Page 13 - Demo
P. 13

                                    BRAND GUIDELINES | 13 PMS PMS CMYK CMYK RGB RGB HEX HEX Tints / GradientPantone 2746 100 | 98 | 9 | 4 45 | 49 | 133 2d3185Pantone Black C 67 | 64 | 67 | 67 45 | 42 | 38 2d2926Pantone 3275 80 | 0 | 50 | 0 0 | 171 | 154 00ab9aPantone 123 0 | 20 | 100 | 0 255 | 204 | 0 FFCC00Pantone 2746 100 / 98 / 9 / 4 45 / 49 / 133 2D3185 Pantone Black C 67 / 64 / 67 / 67 45 / 42 / 38 2D2926Pantone 3275 80 / 0 / 50 / 0 0 / 171 / 154 00AB9APrimary Color PaletteDo not use muted (grayed) versions of these colors. Tints (lighter versions) and gradients are acceptable, but it is recommended that full strength of the color also be used in the same piece to establish the brand color. When printing/fabrication methods offer limited color choices, select a color that comes as close as possible to the branding color(s).Always opt for the most contrast between type color and background. See examples at right for good color contrast.The teal should be used at 85% in type on blue or black backgrounds.BLUE text on white backgroundBLACK text on white backgroundTEAL text on white backgroundWHITE text on blue background85% TEAL text on blue backgroundWHITE text on black background85% TEAL text on black backgroundWHITE text on teal backgroundBLACK text on teal backgroundBLUE text on teal background
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