Page 33 - Demo
P. 33

                                    TYPOGRAPHIC STANDARDS | 33 Months - Capitalize and spell out month names. When the month and year are listed, do not separate with a comma, e.g., July 2016 was an extremely hot month.Numerals - Spell out numerals one through nine; use numerals for 10 and greater. Spell out the numeral if it begins the sentence, except when the numeral identifies a calendar year. Spell out the numeral if used in a casual expression, e.g., Thanks a million! When referring to a decade, do not use an apostrophe, unless the decade is possesive, e.g., The 1960s were revolutionary. The 1960's style is making a comeback. Quotation Marks - Place quotation marks outside of commas and periods, but inside of semicolons and colons.Seasons - Lowercase winter, spring, summer, fall and derivatives such as springtime, unless in a formal name, e.g., Summer Olympics. Capitalize when a season is used to identify a semester, e.g., Fall semester.Semester and Year - Capitalize the semester as in Fall and Spring, but only if followed immediately by the year, e.g., Fall 2016 not fall of 2016.Tip: Unsure of proper capitalization? Go to, type in the words in question, choose a style guide (select AP) and the correct capitalization will be provided. 
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