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                                    32 | TYPOGRAPHIC STANDARDS02 Editorial Guidelines The following guidelines are from CT State's Editorial Style Guide, and represent the most common issues we face in our design work. The complete Guide is available in Teams (search Files in the Marketing Team for %u201cEditorial%u201d).Academic Degrees - Use an apostrophe in bachelor%u2019s degree and master%u2019s degree, but not in associate degree. Generic degree terms, such as bachelor of arts and associate in science, are not capitalized. Capitalize when the formal name of the degree is used, e.g., Bachelor of Arts in English, Associate in Science in Communication. Academic Titles - Capitalize and spell out formal titles when they precede a name. Use lowercase when the title follows the name.Ampersand (&) - Avoid using unless it is an official part of a name, e.g., Adolf & Virginia Dehn Gallery. If not, use the word %u201cand%u201d instead.%u201cCollege%u201d - Capitalize when part of a proper name, e.g., Connecticut State Community College. Lowercase when used alone, e.g., The college is open on Saturdays.Dates with Month - Do not use %u201crd,%u201d %u201cth,%u201d %u201cst%u201d or %u201cnd%u201d after numerals, e.g., April 23, not April 23rd.Hyphens - Do not hyphenate at the end of consecutive lines. Always have at least three characters before or after a hyphen.Money - Always lowercase the words dollar and cents. Use figures and the dollar sign ($) in all references except in casual references or amounts without a figure, e.g., Coffee costs $1.15 in the cafeteria, Thanks a million!Do not use decimal in a whole dollar amount, e.g., The book costs $6, not $6.00.STYLE GUIDELINES
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