Practical Nursing
The Practical Nursing program is an accelerated 54-credit certificate program offered at CT State Quinebaug Valley (Willimantic). The four-semester-aligned nursing curriculum (summer, fall, spring, summer) is designed to prepare students to become practical nurses. Licensed practical nurses work in nursing and residential care facilities, hospitals, physicians’ offices and private homes, with an average annual income of $60,000.
The practical nursing certificate program includes courses in fundamentals, medical-surgical, maternal-child, well-child and mental health nursing. These courses provide a foundation for students to develop the skills and knowledge for living in a complex, diverse and changing world. The design of the practical nursing curriculum is guided by local, regional and national standards and is based on healthcare trends, higher education practices and the nursing discipline. Curricular concepts introduced throughout the program help you develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to become a safe and competent entry-level practical nurse. This educational experience offers active and diverse learning experiences in classrooms and multiple clinical settings such as hospitals, clinics, schools and subacute or long-term care facilities.
Selective Admissions
Practical Nursing is a selective admissions program. To be accepted, you must meet additional requirements beyond general acceptance to the college.
Practical Nursing Program Resources
The practical nursing program at CT State Community College at Quinebaug Valley campus is approved by the Connecticut State Board of Examiners for Nursing as a collaborative with the consent of the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH). Upon the completion of the practical nursing program’s first year, an application will be submitted to the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) as per their standards and policies located at: 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326 Phone: 404-975-5000 Fax: 404-975-5020.
Web Address:, Email:
End-of-the Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
At the conclusion of the CT State Community College Practical Nurse program, while providing basic nursing care to individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations within the health care system, the nursing graduate will:
- Utilize contemporary information technology and effective communication strategies to promote accurate exchange of information, prevent and resolve conflict, and establish and maintain professional and therapeutic relationships.(Informatics and Technology/Communication)
- Apply the nursing process to implement a patient-centered plan of care that is responsive to the patient’s physiological, pharmacological, psychological, sociocultural, and spiritual dimensions of health under the direction and collaboration of the registered nurse or healthcare provider. (Patient Centered Care/Safety)
- Integrates professionalism, accountability, and leadership attributes to nursing practice/care decisions that uphold established regulatory, civil, legal, and ethical principles into the provision of standard-based nursing care and apply this knowledge to systems-based practice. (Professionalism/Leadership)
- Collaborate with the interprofessional health care team utilizing the best current evidence to assist in managing and coordinating the provision of safe, quality, patient-centered care to support the clients’ ability to attain, retain, and maintain optimal wellness. (Teamwork and Collaboration) (Evidence Based Practice/Quality Improvement)
Required Prerequisite Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
+ENG 1010 |
English Composition |
3 |
+PSY 1011 |
General Psychology 1 |
3 |
+PSY 2001 |
Life Span Development |
3 |
+BIO 1111 |
Cell Biology with Organ System |
4 |
Total Credits: | 13 |
Semester One (10 weeks)
PNUR 1001 |
Professional Development I |
3 |
PNUR 1002 |
Pharmacology |
3 |
Total Credits: | 6 |
Semester Two (15 weeks)
PNUR 1000 |
Fundamentals of Nursing |
10 |
PNUR 1003 |
Clinical I- Fundamentals |
2 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Semester Three (15 weeks)
PNUR 1025 |
Maternal and Well Child Clinical |
1 |
Weeks 1-15 Total Credits: |
1 |
PNUR 1010 |
Maternal Child Nursing |
3 |
PNUR 1030 |
Medical-Surgical I |
7 |
Semester 3A |
10 |
PNUR 1020 |
Well Child |
3 |
PNUR 1040 |
Medical – Surgical II |
7 |
Semester 3B Weeks 8-14 Total Credits: |
10 | |
15 Week Total Credits: | 21 |
Semester Four (10 weeks)
PNUR 1050 |
Medical- Surgical III |
7 |
PNUR 1060 |
Mental Health Nursing |
6 |
PNUR 1070 |
Professional Development II |
2 |
Total Credits: | 15 |
Total General Education Course Credits: | 13 |
Nursing Course Credits (as mandated by DPH regulation): | 54 (1500 clock hours) |
Total Program Credits: | 67 |
+ See Course Descriptions in the CT State College Catalog for prerequisite requirements. Courses have requirements that must be successfully completed prior to taking the course.
***A grade of C is required for all co-requisite courses in the nursing program of study
***Nursing courses must be taken in the stated sequence. Students who fail to complete the required co-requisite courses will not be allowed to progress in the program.