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Registration Updates

Registration for session 7B of spring 2025  is open until April 1 for all new, continuing, returning, transferring and visiting students. Courses in session 7B run from 3.28.25 – 5.18.25. The schedule is available for viewing on myCTState.

Registration for summer 2025 will open on March 3 at 9:00AM.  The schedule will be available for viewing on myCTState beginning on February 24.

Registration for fall 2025 will open on April 1 at 9:00am. The schedule will be available for viewing on myCTState beginning on March 25.

Please note, if you have an account balance of $500 or higher at CT State, you will not be able to register for upcoming courses. Please contact your local Bursar's/Cashier's office or the Financial Aid office for assistance as soon as possible.

How to Register

Registering for classes at CT State is easy!
Just follow the steps below.
New, Transfer and Readmit Students

All new, transfer and readmit students are encouraged to meet with a Guided Pathways Advisor prior to registering for classes.

To register for classes as a new, transfer or re-admit student at CT State, please follow these easy steps for successful enrollment.

  1. Complete the Admissions Application  
  2. Upload your documents to admissions to your Application Account  
  3. Receive an email of acceptance along with your student banner ID number
  4. Submit official college transcripts if attended another college/university (if applicable)

    Request Transcripts

  5. Apply for Financial Aid (optional) 
    School Code for CT State is: 007635 
  6. Log-in and complete your myCTState Online Orientation 
  7. Meet with your Guided Pathways (GP) Advisor
  8. Register for classes through myCTState (follow the instructions listed below for Continuing Students)
  9. Get your textbooks
  10. Get your college photo ID card
  11. Sign up and attend In-Person New Student Orientation at your home campus

    Search for Courses
Continuing Students

To register online for classes at CT State, please follow these easy steps:

1. Log into myCTState 

2. Navigate to the card titled “Student Self-Service.”

Note: If this is the first time you are accessing registration through myCTState, you may be asked to address an action item. Please click on the link that says “Review Required Action Items”. An example of an action item is to review and acknowledge the Student Enrollment Agreement. Once the action items are completed, you can continue to follow the steps to register. Use the “Continue” button to return to the registration process.

3. Select the link titled “Access Registration Dashboard.”

4. Select the link titled “Register for Classes.”

5. Select the term you want to register for from the dropdown menu titled “Terms Open for Registration,” then click the “Continue” button.

6. Select, which option to register for class(s).

Option 1. - This option will allow you to type in individual CRNs

  1. Select the tab titled “Enter CRNs.”
  2. Enter the CRN. (To add multiple CRNs at once, click the “+ Add Another CRN” link.
  3. Click the “Add to Summary” button.

Option 2. – This option will allow you to search for a course/CRN in the class search then add the CRN to the registration page through the class search option.

  1. Enter the course search parameters.
  2. Then click the “Search” button.

3. Once you find the CRN you want, click the “Add” button.

7. Once you click the “Add to Summary” button (option 1) or the “Add” button (option 2), your tentative schedule will display as “Pending” under the “Status” column. To confirm registration for the selected CRN(s), click the “Submit” button.

You are not confirmed for the class(s) until you click the “Submit” button and you see the status change from “Pending” to “Registered.”

    Note: If interested in adding a Foreign Language course, you need to complete the Languages and Cultures Questionnaire before you can enroll.

    8. When the status changes to “Registered,” your course registration is confirmed.

    9. Make payment arrangements. Follow the instructions on the “Student Accounts and Billing” card.

    Search for Courses

    Workforce Development and Continuing Education (Non-Credit) Students

    The Workforce Development and Continuing Education (WDCE) division offers a range of short-term licensure and certificate training programs and courses tailored to meet the needs of Connecticut residents and businesses. These programs, known for their high quality, cater to individuals re-entering the workforce or aiming to acquire new technical skills to advance their careers.