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This page will walk you through the steps to access your student schedule on the myCTState portal. If you registered at a one-stop and are told to go online to view/print your schedule or if you registered yourself online and want a copy of your current schedule, please follow these directions.

Step 1

Log into with your myCTState email address and password, which you receive in your admission acceptance email.

image showing what to press to login to myCTState

Step 2

Once in myCTState, navigate to the card titled “Student Self-Service.”

image showing the student self-service tab

Step 3

On this card, click the link titled “Access Registration Dashboard.” This link will take you to a new menu which will display all your registration options such as the course search, registration page, and view your registered CURRENT or past course schedule(s).

arrow points to access registration dashboard link.

Step 4

To view your current and past course schedules, click on the link titled “View Registration Information.”

graphic showing registration information folder

Step 5

Select the term of the schedule you want to view using the dropdown menu.

You also have the option on this screen to email or print your schedule.

Email: Email yourself a copy of your schedule or email a copy of your schedule to someone else.

Print: Print a copy of your schedule.

view registration information tab

Step 6

To view a detailed copy of your course schedule, click on the tab titled “Active Registrations” (use for the current registration term) or “Schedule Details” (use for the current or past registration terms).

screenshot showing active registrations and schedule details screens

This screen will also display your course by day and time within a week.


Information Displayed on both the “Active Registration” and “Schedule Details” Tabs

Term: Semester and year the course is held during

CRN (course registration number): The course registration code

Status: Your status in the course and the date that status was applied

Schedule Type: Course format

Hours: Number of scheduled hours for the course

Instructional Methods: Course instructional method

Campus or Campus Location*: Where the course is held

Start Date: The start of semester term date when the course officially begins

End Date: The end of semester term date when the course officially ends

Level: The course for credit, which will be undergraduate or for non-credit, which will be workforce development

Instructor: Name of the person teaching the course

Grade Mode: How course is graded. Either traditional letter grade or by other modes

*Please note the campus location on your schedule especially if you are taking courses at multiple campuses. The Active Registration tab and the Schedule Detail tab use slightly different wording for the course instruction location. Active Registration has the word “Campus,” and Schedule Details has the word “Campus Location.”

“Active Registration” Course Information Displayed

“Active Registration” Course Information Displayed

“Schedule Details” Course Information Displayed

"Schedule Details” Course Information Displayed

Step 7

Another way to view ONLY your current course schedule is by clicking on the link titled “Register for Classes” on the registration menu.

register for classes menu item

Step 8

Select the current/open registration term from the dropdown menu. (Make sure you select “TERM” under the header “How would you like to search?”).

example of how to select term

Step 9

The selection of the term will bring you to your registration screen. On this screen, select the tab titled “Schedule and Options” to view a summary of the courses you are currently registered for.

This screen will also display your course by day and time within a week.

screenshot showing step 9 where to view course schedule and email/print options

Step 10

To view a detailed copy of your course schedule, click on the tab titled “Schedule Details.”

*The location the course is held at will be next to the header titled “Location.”

screenshot showing how to access a detailed course schedule