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Alumni associations are based on the campus (or former CT community college) you graduated from. Use the links below to find more information about your local alumni association and how you can get involved.

Please note that not all campuses have alumni associations.

Asnuntuck Alumni Association

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to be part of the CT State Asnuntuck Alumni Association!

Once you graduate, you become part of CT State Asnuntuck’s largest constituency as an ALUMNI!  You join the thousands of individuals just like you who have earned a degree or certificate from this special place and become part of its rich heritage.

As an alumni, we hope that you will still be an engaged part of our Asnuntcuk community and stay involved either through Alumni events or taking part in campus events.

More importantly, keep in touch, and we have made it easy to do so! With a few strokes on your keyboard and a few clicks, you can now update your contact information. Stay connected!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


Keith Madore
Executive Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Engagement

CT State Asnuntuck
170 Elm Street
Enfield, CT 06082
Phone: 860-253-3041
Fax: 860-253-3007

Capital Alumni Association

Housatonic Alumni Association

The Housatonic Alumni Association is open to all those who have attended CT State Housatonic (formerly Housatonic Community College) at any time. The Association strives to connect and engage with alumni by advising them of activities and developments at the college, by providing opportunities to form beneficial networks, and by creating the means to assist the college to maintain its vital presence in the Greater Bridgeport area.

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You can help to affirm your legacy at CT State Housatonic. Make a gift today and help fund the scholars of tomorrow.

Donate Here!

Join the Alumni Association

The Housatonic Alumni Association is open to all those who have attended CT State Housatonic or Housatonic Community College at any time. The Association strives to connect and engage with alumni by advising them of activities and developments at the college, by providing opportunities to form beneficial networks, and by creating the means to assist the college to maintain its vital presence in the Greater Bridgeport area.

Join the Association

Calling All Housatonic Community College Alumni

The Housatonic Alumni Association is collecting stories and photos of graduates. The stories might be reflections on your time spent at the college and stories about your life after college. The photos can be of you, classmates and events while here at HCC as well as current pictures. Sharing your memories and updating the Alumni Association helps contribute to the story of HCC and its history. If you can, please identify the specific details in the pictures.

All you need to do, is complete the form below and share it Housatonic Alumni Association! For further questions contact China Byrd, Chairperson to the Alumni Association at 203-332-5202 or

Manchester Alumni Association

Middlesex Alumni Association

Whether you have received a diploma from CT State Middlesex (formerly Middlesex Community College) or taken one class here, we’re glad you’re back!

Because of the unique nature of the community college experience, individuals who have received a degree with us, as well as those who have successfully completed at least one course in good standing at CT State Middlesex, are considered former students or alumni.

If you fit into one of these categories, you can participate in the Alumni Network and take advantage of many opportunities offered by the college. The network's mission is to help connect current and former students and support ongoing activities that leave a legacy to Middlesex and the community.

To get started, register as an alum by updating your contact information. By doing this, you can also get up-to-date information on what’s happening at Middlesex as well as access to services such as:

Thanks again and welcome back!

Naugatuck Valley Alumni Association

Looking to Reconnect with your Friends, Classmates, and the Community at CT State Naugatuck Valley?

Thousands of students have walked the halls, taken classes, and earned either degrees or certificates from CT State Naugatuck Valley. For some, it was the start of a new career. For others, it was a stepping stone to an advanced degree. For all, it was a path to a more secure future. The Naugatuck ValleyAlumni Association is looking to fellow students who graduated or took classes at CT State Naugatuck Valley, Naugatuck Valley Community College, Naugatuck Valley Community Technical College, Mattatuck Community College or Waterbury State Technical College inviting them to join the Naugatuck Valley Alumni Association. We are here to help you:

  • Reconnect with classmates, faculty and staff, and build relationships 
  • Provide volunteering opportunities for campus events, programs or mentoring groups 
  • Experience lifelong learning in one of our non-credit courses or programs 
  • Network with prominent community donors and supporters 
  • Discover how you can benefit personally and professionally by reconnecting with your alma mater.

Become a Member Today!

Membership in the alumni association is free! All graduates of CT State Naugatuck Valley, Naugatuck Valley Community College, Mattatuck Community College or Waterbury State Technical College degree and certificate programs and those students who have left the college(s) in good standing are considered alumni and eligible for membership. Join now and take advantage of all the college programs and benefits that are available to you and your family.

Join the Alumni Association – When you register with the Alumni Association, you can stay up-to-date with campus happenings, alumni offerings and events. There are two ways to join:

  • Fill out and submit this online form to become a member!

Questions? Email Angela Chapman or reach her at 203-575-8208. Not ready to join yet? Friend us on Facebook.

Quinebaug Valley Alumni Association

The Quinebaug Valley Alumni Association strives to continue meaningful engagement to all past, present and future Quinebaug Valley students. The Alumni Association will work as ambassadors to the college to outreach and develop our alumni presence to further life-long relationships.

Three Rivers Alumni Association

Half a century ago, Three Rivers had a graduating class of fewer than 100 — how times have changed!

Today our alumni are stakeholders in virtually every major employer and educational institution across the region. We invite all new (or new-ish) alumni to bring their own unique perspective to this legacy.

The Three Rivers Alumni Association continues to grow: please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement to become involved in our efforts to support the college, its current students, and its long-term goals.

Those goals include continued success for Three Rivers students, which is why the Three Rivers College Foundation* supports scholarships for students of numerous academic disciplines each year.

Contact Us

Betty C. Baillargeon
Director of Institutional Advancement
Phone: 860-215-9207

Meghan La Casse
Assistant Director of Institutional Advancement
Phone: 860-215-9249

Tunxis Alumni Association

The Tunxis Alumni Association is a 501-C-3 organization; all donations may be tax deductible.
Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to support students at Tunxis Community College!

Mission Statement

The Alumni Association of TCC exists to support the College mission, encourage community alliances, promote education, and foster a spirit of unity and pride.

Alumni Association Contacts

For any inquiries, comments, or concerns, please contact Helen Lozada, Alumni Association President, at 860-773-1516.


Tunxis Community College began operations in October 1970 and held its first graduation in June 1972. Ten years later a small group of volunteer graduates initiated an effort to establish an alumni association. The founders wrote bylaws to govern its operation, registered the organization with appropriate state agencies and began holding fundraising events. Proceeds from the events are used to support student scholarships, recognize outstanding faculty and staff, and to help fund other requirements of the College not generally supported by public funds. Alumni Association leadership collaborates with campus and college administration and the Tunxis Foundation and Advisory Board to support important initiatives as they evolve.


All graduates of CT State Tunxis degree and certificate programs, and those students who have left the college in good standing, shall be eligible for membership.

All active members are encouraged to attend regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings and participate in association events or committees. If you would like to support your Alumni Association by volunteering or contributing a tax-deductible donation, please complete an application form. Checks should be made payable to the Alumni Association of Tunxis.

General Operation

The Alumni Association of Tunxis is governed by a Board of Directors elected to a three-year term of office. The Board of Directors meets as needed and is encouraged to attend the campus commencement ceremony.

The executive committee includes the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer who also serve as members of the Board of Directors. Association business is accomplished through the use of committees composed of volunteers and chaired by board members.

For more information, contact Helen Lozada, Alumni Association President, at 860-773-1516.