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Affirmative Action Plans

Per Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 46a-68. (Formerly Sec. 4-61s.) State affirmative action plans: Filing; monitoring; reports; equal employment opportunity officers; review and investigation of discrimination complaints; regulations

About the Plans

(a) Each state agency, department, board and commission with twenty-five, or more, full-time employees shall develop and implement, in cooperation with the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, an affirmative action plan that commits the agency, department, board or commission to a program of affirmative action in all aspects of personnel and administration. Such plan shall be developed pursuant to regulations adopted by the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities in accordance with chapter 54 to ensure that affirmative action is undertaken as required by state and federal law to provide equal employment opportunities and to comply with all responsibilities under the provisions of sections 4-61u to 4-61w, inclusive, sections 46a-54 to 46a-64, inclusive, section 46a-64c and sections 46a-70 to 46a-78, inclusive. The executive head of each such agency, department, board or commission shall be directly responsible for the development, filing and implementation of such affirmative action plan. The Metropolitan District of Hartford County shall be deemed to be a state agency for purposes of this section and sections 4a-60, 4a-60a and 4a-60g.

According to the Affirmative Action Regulations: (

"Affirmative action" means positive action, undertaken with conviction and effort to overcome the present effects of past practices, policies or barriers to equal employment opportunity and to achieve the full and fair participation of women, blacks and Hispanics and any other protected group found to be underutilized in the workforce or affected by policies or practices having an adverse impact.

"Affirmative action plan" or "plan" means a detailed, result-oriented set of procedures, prepared and approved in accordance with section 46a-68 of the Connecticut General Statutes and sections 46a-68-75 to 46a-68-114, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, which blueprints a strategy to combat discrimination and achieve affirmative action.

Additionally, as part of the AA regulations, each agency, department, board, and commission must demonstration good faith efforts to achieve their goals. (Section 46a-68-92 – Good Faith Effort -

"Good faith effort" means the initiatives delineated in section 46a-68-92 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies including that degree of care and diligence which a reasonable person would exercise in the performance of legal duties and obligations. At a minimum, it includes all those efforts reasonably necessary to achieve full compliance with the law. Further, it includes additional or substituted efforts when initial endeavors will not meet statutory or regulatory requirements. Finally, it includes documentary evidence of all action undertaken to achieve compliance, especially where requirements have not or will not be achieved within the reporting period established pursuant to section 46a-68-92 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.