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Food insecurity has increasingly become an issue on college and university campuses across the country, with community college students being among those hit worst. This can negatively affect a student’s energy and ability to concentrate, which, in turn, may negatively affect their GPA. In fact, obtaining food is often one of the most significant financial stresses a college student may bear. And while community resources might be available, it can be challenging to access them due to transportation or scheduling.

That’s where the CT State food pantries come in. We provide convenient, judgment-free locations on each campus where students, faculty and staff may come and "shop" for free. In addition to non-perishable food, many of our pantries offer fresh fruits and vegetables, refrigerated and frozen items, toiletries, menstrual products and more.

Choose from the list above to learn more about your campus food pantry.

CT State Asnuntuck Pantry & Wellness Center

The CT State Asnuntuck Pantry & Wellness Center is a client-choice pantry that offers traditional canned and boxed goods, seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, and frozen meat.

Email for an application.

CT State Asnuntuck Pantry & Wellness Center Membership Form Spring 2024: Digital membership form


Main Building 157E


Director Sherry Paquette,

Capital Cares Food Pantry

The Capital Cares Pantry is an easily accessible place for students to get food assistance in a private, safe and friendly environment.


Room 706

NOTE: When visiting the food pantry, please have a valid CT State school ID or your student schedule for the current semester (electronic/cellphone versions are permitted).



Phone: 860-906–5320  

Campus Cupboard

The Campus Cupboard on the CT State Gateway campus provides food, personal care and baby items to students on the Gateway campus.




Housatonic Food Pantry

The Housatonic Food Pantry is a client-choice pantry that provides food and basic needs assistance in a private, safe, and friendly environment.   Housatonic home campus students may visit the pantry up to twice monthly and take up to a total of 10 units of non-perishables, 4 units of produce and 2 units of frozen meat and/or miscellaneous frozen items at each visit (subject to change based on inventory). No pre-signup is necessary, but a student ID is required.  Guests are encouraged to bring their own bags.  

The pantry also has a snack counter where you can stop once daily between classes and grab a quick snack when on campus. The “grab-n-go” items are available during the pantry’s open hours. Personal hygiene and period products (when in stock) are available and do not count toward your item limit. 

The Housatonic Food Pantry is made possible through the efforts of the Housatonic Foundation, Student Senate, CT FoodShare, and Stop and Shop.


Lafayatte Hall L206


Sue Franco,

The Storehouse Project Mobile Food Pantry

Prebagged food distribution is open to all students, faculty & staff.


Drop off/pick up area on Lafayette Blvd next to the parking garage.

Upcoming Dates and Times:

  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025
  • Wednesday, March 12, 2025
  • Tuesday, April 15, 2025
  • Thursday, May 8, 2025

Cougar Pantry

The Cougar Pantry and Career Clothing Closet is open to all students, faculty and staff. The Cougar Pantry can provide food, clothing and other off-campus resources for members of the CT State Manchester community in need.


SSC L-149


Laura Bruno
Phone: 860-512-3287

TJ Barber
Phone: 860-512-3203

Magic Food Bus

The Magic Food Bus is a mobile food pantry serving the students and staff at CT State Middlesex.

Please bring a vaild I.D. when visiting the pantry.


Middletown Campus: Founders Hall 2B (upstairs from Student Lounge) Meriden Campus (Platt High School: Outside Second Floor Library


Connecticut Foodshare Mobile Pantry on Campus

Middlesex hosts the Connecticut Foodshare Mobile Pantry from 1–1:45 p.m. every other Monday. The format is a farmer’s market with tables and chairs and lots of food in the upper parking lot. Anyone from our college may take advantage of this food opportunity.
Please note: The CT Foodshare Mobile Pantry will only be on campus for 45 minutes at a time.

Naugatuck Valley Student Food Pantry

The Naugatuck Valley Student Food Pantry serves students struggling with food insecurity on both the Naugatuck Valley Waterbury and Danbury campuses with online, grocery shopping and a drop-in “grab-and-go“ option. The pantry is funded by the NVCC Foundation.

Grocery Program

Waterbury campus students may place online orders for pick up on campus every two weeks. A pantry assistant will call to make an appointment for pick up.

Danbury campus students receive grocery orders through Amazon. Orders can be placed online every two weeks and are delivered to the student's home.

“Grab-and-Go” Program

During the regular academic year both locations offer “Grab and Go” items during the pantry’s open hours. Students may stop in once a day for a quick snack when on campus. (Grab and Go is not available during the summer break)

Open for Spring 2025

Pantry Hours – Spring 2025
Waterbury Campus, Room E308
Monday - Thursday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Danbury Campus, Room D312
Monday: 9AM - 4PM
Tuesday: Noon - 4PM
Wednesday: 9AM - Noon
Thursday: Noon - 4PM
Friday: 9PM - Noon

Diaper Program

The NVCC Foundation and the CT State Naugatuck Valley Student Food Pantry have entered into a collaboration with the Connecticut Diaper Bank. Naugatuck Valley students with children still in diapers are eligible to receive disposable diapers, sizes Newborn to size 5 (27+ pounds), free of charge while supplies last. 

If you are interested in receiving diapers, please complete this online application. You will be contacted by someone from the pantry to schedule a pick-up. 

Diaper Request Form

Food For Thought Student Food Pantry


Founder’s Annex (FX) rooms 317 (pantry) and 319 (office)

Spring 2025 Appointments Times

Monday: 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m
Tuesday: 9:30 a.m.-noon, 4-5:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.


Do you need to visit the pantry more than once a week?

Please contact Professor Wiggins at or Professor Bryda at for assistance.

This Pantry Is:

  • By Appointment

Important Info:

  • If this is your first appointment this semester, you will be required to fill out some personal information. All information will be kept confidential. Due to our relationship with the CT Food Bank, we are required to collect this information once a semester.
  • You will be asked to choose an appointment day and time. We do not take same-day appointments and we do not honor appointments made after 3 p.m. the day before a requested appointment.
  • You will pick up your supplies at Food for Thought in the Founders Hall Annex in Room #319.
  • Nondiscrimination Statement

Food Pantry East/Food Pantry West

The Food Pantry at CT State Community College Norwalk is a free resource available to all enrolled students. 


East Second Floor/West: W101A


Courtney Anstett: 203-857-3369

QV Grab & Go Pantry

The Qrab & Go Pantry is a self-serve pantry with locations on both the Quinebaug Valley Willimantic and Danielson campuses. Pantries are open-access; students may visit at any time the campuses are open. 


  • Danielson Main Atrium
  • Willimantic Kitchenette Area


Dr. Tanaya Walters,

Full Plate Food Pantry

The Full Plate Food Pantry on the Three Rivers campus provides food and basic needs assistance in a private, safe, and friendly environment. Three Rivers home campus students may visit the pantry up to twice a week and take up to a total of 10 items per week. You must be a currently registered student and have your student ID number to utilize the food pantry. 

Personal hygiene and period products are also available and do not count toward your item limit. The pantry also has a snack table where you can stop in between classes and grab a snack and beverage. Finally, the pantry also offers some home/cleaning supplies, baby items such as diapers (when in stock) and pet care/food items.

The Full Plate Food Pantry is supported, in part, by Gemma E. Moran United Way/Labor Food Center and CT Foodshare of Wallingford, CT.

Mobile Food Pantry

The United Way Mobile Food Pantry hosts numerous mobile distributions each month. Visit their events calendar to find upcoming distributions. Students and families receive fresh produce, protein, nonperishables, and more. No registration is required, and it is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis. All customers remain in their cars and open their trunks, back seat doors, or truck bed. Volunteers load the food for you. You are welcome to walk through as well.

Three Rivers hosts the Mobile Pantry on the second Wednesday of each month in the back parking lot from 4 to 5 p.m.

You can also dial 2-1-1 for free 24/7 for updated information and food availability beyond New London County. Please follow the United Way Facebook page for any cancellations or schedule changes.

The Pantry@Tunxis

The Pantry@Tunxis serves students on the Tunxis campus. Students in need are welcome to visit as many times as they choose throughout the month, however, the total number of items taken can’t exceed the 20-item limit for the month. Students are encouraged to bring their own grocery bag or to reuse the bag they are given upon their first visit to the pantry. Students must present their Student ID or other proof that they are a current, registered Tunxis student in order to receive food. 

Spring Dinner Basket and Children’s Spring-Themed Books

The Pantry will be providing spring dinner baskets with nonperishable food and children’s spring themed books for members of the Tunxis community. 

  • Baskets (or bags) contain nonperishable food, a grocery store gift card, and optional children’s spring-themed books.
  • Anyone eligible for Pantry services is eligible to sign up for a basket.
    • (Currently enrolled CT State students whose home campus is Tunxis, students taking an in-person class at Tunxis, and Tunxis employees.)
  • Baskets will be available for pick-up between April 14 and April 17, 2025.
  • The deadline to sign up for a basket is Monday, April 7, 2025!


Room 1-161
(200 building, then up the ramp on your right)


This Pantry Is:

  • Walk-in
  • Pick-Up*

*Due to our limited open hours, the Pantry@Tunxis also operates virtually, allowing students to submit a Virtual Shopping Form any day/time. Once the request is processed, you will be notified that your request is ready for pickup.


Monday and Thursday: 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

This Pantry Carries:

  • Shelf-stable food items
  • Quick "grab-and-go" snack foods
  • Personal care items


food pantry volunteers collect items for the Middlesex food pantry

Many of our campus food pantries depend on volunteers to operate.

If you're interested in volunteering to help shoppers, stock shelves or raise money/collect donations, please see the campus listings above to find your local pantry's contact information.


All campus pantries accept food and monetary donations. Though each individual pantry’s needs may vary depending on location, time of year and the needs of the campus's unique student population, this is a general list of popular items that are always welcome donations to our campus food pantries:

  • Baking Mixes and Needs (flour, sugar, baking powder, etc.)
  • Bottled Water
  • Canned Goods (fruits, meats, soups, stews, vegetables, Chef Boyardee, etc.)
  • Cereal (large and individually sized boxes)
  • Cereal Bars
  • Chips
  • Coffee/Tea/Non-Dairy Creamer
  • Condiments (ketchup, mustard, dressings, etc.)
  • Conditioner
  • Cookies
  • Deodorant
  • Feminine Hygiene Products
  • Fruit Cups
  • Fruit Snacks
  • Granola Bars
  • Grocery Store Gift Cards
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Jelly
  • Juice Boxes and Pouches
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Oatmeal
  • Pasta
  • Pasta Sauce (tomato, alfredo, etc.)
  • Peanut Butter
  • Pop Tarts
  • Protein Bars
  • Rice
  • Salsa
  • Shampoo
  • Soap
  • Spices
  • Stuffing
  • Sugar
  • Toilet Paper
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Tuna 
Last updated: February 25, 2025 | 6:33 pm