Gender Neutral Restrooms
Asnuntuck Campus
- Four single-stall gender-neutral restrooms: Two on the first floor and two on the second floor
Capital Campus
- Gender-neutral restrooms on the second, third and seventh floors
Gateway Campus
- Handicapped/Multigender Restrooms (single occupant)
- North Building: first floor near parking garage entrance
- South Building: Library, first floor
- South Building: Library, second floor
- Gender-neutral restroom (multiple stalls)
- North Building: third floor
Housatonic Campus
- Beacon Hall: One gender-neutral bathroom on the first floor and one gender-neutral bathroom on the third floor
- Lafayette Hall: Three gender-neutral bathrooms in the new addition and two in the A section of the building by the theater.
Manchester Campus
- AST First Floor: D wing – Front Hall
- AST Tower: Third floor (two bathrooms)
- AST Tower: Fifth floor (two bathrooms)
- LRC First Floor: B wing – Near B128
- LRC Second Floor: B wing – Back Hall
- SSC First Floor: Near L104
- SSC Second Floor: Near Culinary Arts Center
- Village 1
- Village 6
Middlesex Campus
- Chapman Hall: Two single-occupant, gender-neutral bathrooms are located on the first floor outside of the College Learning Center
- Founders Hall: One single-occupant, gender-neutral bathroom is located outside of the Student Lounge, near the Counseling Center.
Naugatuck Valley Campus
- Waterbury Campus
- One in Founders Hall
- One in Kinney Hall
- Danbury Campus
- Two gender-neutral restrooms
Northwestern Campus
- Two single-occupancy gender-neutral restrooms in Greenwoods Hall (registration, financial aid, and student activities). They are located next to each other.
- Most restrooms in the buildings that are converted homes are single-stall and gender-neutral. However, students are unlikely to utilize those buildings.
Norwalk Campus
- East Campus: One gender-neutral bathroom near the television studio
Quinebaug Valley Campus
- First Floor
Three Rivers Campus
- D11C: Gender-neutral bathroom
- C-127: Single-stall bathroom
- C-231: Single-stall bathroom
Tunxis Campus
- 600 Building: Two on first floor hallway next to 6-152 and next to 8-167
- 700 Building: Inside the Library (hallway to the right, adjacent to circulation desk); building lobby near the entrance to the library
- 100 Building: Inside the Admissions, Records, Financial Aid Hallway
- Bidstrup Hall: Four inclusive bathrooms on the first and second floors (two on each floor)
Last updated: March 23, 2024 | 2:56 pm