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If you had an IEP or 504 plan in high school and/or have a diagnosed disability, you may be eligible for accommodations at CT State. The process to obtain accommodations in college changes from the process students may have experienced in high school. It is important that students develop their self-advocacy skills and understand which accommodations best support their learning.

The chart below highlights some key differences between high school and college in the accommodation process.





The school and parents/caregivers direct disability-related needs

Each student directs their disability-related needs

The school is obliged to meet most student needs

“Reasonable” accommodations are provided

The student’s IEP or 504 plan outlines accommodations

The documentation provided by the student outlines reasonable accommodations

High parent/caregiver involvement

Limited parent/caregiver involvement

Frequent school-to-parent/caregiver communication

Limited/no school-to-parent communication

High teacher involvement and responsibility

High student involvement and responsibility

May provide tutors, attendants, and/or paraprofessionals

Not required to provide tutors, attendants, and paraprofessionals (unless provided for all students)

Last updated: February 19, 2025 | 3:21 pm