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Through the cooperative education program at CT State Manchester, students have the opportunity to earn credit, pay and work experience.

culinary professor teaches student how to cut vegetables

Academic credit is awarded for cooperative education coursework completed online and experiential learning (internships) completed in the student’s field of study. This combination of coursework and fieldwork allows students to bridge the gap between classroom theory and on-the-job training in an actual work environment. 

In some programs of study, cooperative education/work experience is a required course of study within the curriculum.

Enrollment Requirements

Students must have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better, have completed 12-15 credit hours towards a program of study and received permission from their program coordinator and cooperative education coordinator. Prior to registering for the course, students must meet with the cooperative education coordinator to confirm or begin the process of trying to secure a placement/internship site. During the semester, students are required to participate in an online class, or seminar component, delivered via Blackboard, where workplace related topics and issues are discussed and assignments that are reflective in nature are submitted bi-weekly.


For paid placements, students must complete 300 hours of employment during one semester. Part-time and full-time positions are available as co-op options. Positions that provide monetary compensation are paid by the cooperative education employer. There is no guarantee from the Cooperative Education office that each student will receive a placement. Unpaid internships require 150 hours of on-site work experience. In some programs, the majority of the positions available are unpaid.

Contact Us

Please contact the CT State Manchester Cooperative  Education Office if you have any questions or need assistance.

Julie Greene, Program Coordinator
Phone: 860-512-3372
Fax: 860-512-3371
Location: Student Services Center, Room L127 (first floor)

Information for Students

Pre-Placement Information

Preparing for a Co-Op Position

Schedule an appointment to have your resume reviewed and to discuss placement possibilities. Call 860-512-3372 or stop into the Cooperative Education Office (SSC L127) on campus. The Co-op Coordinator will help you prepare your resume and cover letter if you need help.

The placement process is a shared responsibility. The effort you put into this process will have an effect on how successful your entire experience is. The Co-op Coordinator will do a lot on your behalf, including teaching you the skills required to find a job or internship. We encourage you to use those skills by seeking out and applying for jobs on your own. The Co-op office will send out your resume and reach out to potential sites on your behalf, but you increase your chances of finding a suitable placement by taking an active role in your job or internship search.

Communicate with the Co-op office! Let us know when you have interviews, how they’re going, and if you feel you need help or get discouraged. We are your support mechanism in this process.

Cooperative education is an academic experience. You will earn three credits for the successful completion of this fieldwork. There is also a classroom component to the course, and you must receive permission to register for one of the Co-op course sections to participate in cooperative education. If you use the services of the office and are placed into a job and/or internship, we expect that you will register and complete a Co-op course. If you need to withdraw from the course at any time, please meet with the Co-op Coordinator to discuss your circumstances.

Registering for the Cooperative Education/Work Experience

  • Inform the Cooperative Education Coordinator once the internship placement is secured, and submit any agreements or paperwork that has been completed by you and your prospective site supervisor.
  • Wait for notification from the registrar’s office that the appropriate registration override has been placed on your account, and then you are free to register for the course.
female stuent smiles with hand on chin resting on desk with plants and window behind her.

Expectations of a Co-op Student

  • Throughout the entire pre-placement, interview and placement periods, you are expected to conduct yourself professionally at all times.
  • Remember, as a Co-op student, you are not only representing yourself but the Co-op Program and the college. Your actions may impact future opportunities for other Co-op students.
  • As a Co-op student, you are expected to meet the same performance and ethical standards requested of all employees within the Co-op employer’s organization. Avoid poor work habits like gossiping, making personal calls, telling others how much you make, telling dirty jokes or making questionable sexual remarks, or having poor attendance.
  • If you are encountering difficulty in your Co-op placement, you are expected to discuss the situation with your Co-op supervisor first. If necessary, the next step would be to contact the Co-op Office.
  • If you decide to remain with your Co-op employer as a Co-op student or to fulfill a second field experience course requirement, you need to receive permission/approval from both the Co-op Coordinator and the Program Coordinator. A new job description needs to be submitted by the Co-op Supervisor. New learning objectives need to be provided in order to receive additional credit. All students are required to do Co-op for credit. There are no exceptions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Cooperative Education Program?

Cooperative education is an academic program that assists students with placement into both paid and unpaid work experiences that are directly related to your area of study and for which they can earn three academic credits. Students in paid work experiences (co-ops) are required to perform a minimum of 300 hours of on site work, and students in unpaid experiences (internships) must complete 150 hours at the work site. All students in the program are required to register for a co-op seminar course that meets for one hour each week throughout the semester (two hours each week in the shorter summer session) that supports the field experience.

What are the benefits to students?

There are numerous benefits to students who participate in this program. The most obvious is the work experience that they gain. Employers seek out graduates who have done internships and co-ops and give them preference over students without any related work experience. In addition, students who are in the workplace are making contacts in their profession that are very helpful during job searches, acting as references and networking contacts. Some students appreciate that co-op offers a chance to see what their career choice is really like. Most students who hold paid positions and some students in internships are offered long-term employment at the end of their work experience obligation. One by-product of work experience is that many students report a substantial increase in their overall feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem.

What’s the classroom component of the program?

Students attend co-op seminars designed to develop their employment-related skills. The co-op class is offered online every semester, including summers, and includes weekly topics like time management, conflict resolution, sexual harassment, career development skills, and others that are intended to strengthen job performance and enhance professional development. The class is also designed to support the student in their work experience role, so there is time available for discussion with the class and the instructor on how to deal with issues students may be encountering in their placement. The course instructor visits every site during the semester and interviews the supervisor about the student’s progress. The site supervisor also completes an evaluation of the student’s performance at the end of the semester, which is considered, along with class assignments and attendance, in determining the student’s grade for the course.

Is this program for everyone?

No. A student must be enrolled in one of the twenty programs here at the campus that offers co-op, have a GPA of 2.0 or better, and have completed a minimum of 12-15 credits in their field along with any prerequisites in the department. They also need the permission of their program coordinator, who will meet with the student and make an assessment of whether they are ready for this type of experience. Students also need to consider their availability for this type of experience. If a student is attending school and working full time, or has other significant social or family responsibilities, they may have difficulty finding the time required to fulfill the obligations of this course.

Can a student use the job he/she already has as a co-op for credit?

Maybe. If their job is clearly related to their academic program, there’s a good chance they can work where they are and earn academic credit. The program coordinator from their academic department will make that assessment after the student turns in a job description form to the Co-op office. The student will also be required to demonstrate new learning at their current position by taking on additional responsibilities or projects during the term of the co-op.

When should a student plan to do co-op?

Setting up co-ops and internships takes some planning. The process requires finding an appropriate placement for each student that fits into their school schedule, geographic location and academic interest. The jobs that may be appropriate for students start becoming available about the middle of each semester for the following semester. If a student has made contact with the co-op office by this time, they will have access to all the positions that are posted with us. As the semester progresses, those positions begin to fill and fewer opportunities are open. For that reason students are strongly encouraged to think about co-op early in the semester before they want to perform their work experience.

What are the next steps?

Every student who applies for a co-op or internship position through the cooperative education program meets individually with the coordinator to finalize a resume and make specific placement plans.

Tips and Resources

Before Applying to a Co-op Job

Before you apply for co-op jobs, prepare yourself in the following ways:

  1. Achieve proficiency in basic skills such as reading, writing and math. If you’re lacking one or more of these basics, get additional help before you leave school. Your desire to strengthen syour kills will earn you extra bonus points
  2. Learn how to communicate and listen well. Be able to repeat what you’ve heard either in writing or verbally.
  3. Build confidence by getting to know yourself. Learn your likes and dislikes. Discover what you do well and what you do poorly.
  4. Have some computer skills. Computers are part of everyday life and can be mastered easily.
  5. Keep your options open when deciding on a career path. Explore areas of interest by taking related classes, attending job fairs, visiting workplaces and even reading the help wanted ads.
When You Apply
  1. Use your writing skills to their maximum potential. Complete the entire job application. Neatness and spelling count!
  2. Demonstrate interest for and knowledge of a particular position. Before your interview, find out something about the job and the company. Ask questions about the job.
  3. Be able to demonstrate competency in the basic skills required.
  4. Be prepared to pass a drug screening test.
  5. After the interview, send a follow-up thank you letter to the interviewer within three days.
Converting an Existing Job into a Co-op

All students must first meet with the Director of Cooperative Education.

All students must meet the eligibility requirements and complete a resume.

A packet of information will be sent to the appropriate program coordinator for their review which includes the following:Co-op Conversion Form and Application

  • A student must have his/her supervisor complete a job description form provided by the Co-op Office.
  • A detailed description of what the student is presently doing and new responsibilities or new learning to occur during the Co-op placement must be outlined.
  • The supervisor must sign the job description form.

The supervisor or the student submits the completed Co-op conversion job description to the Cooperative Education Director for review and approval.

If the student is not approved for a Co-op conversion, then the student may apply for Co-op jobs posted in the office (following the pre-placement steps that are outlined), or withdraw from the Co-op Office seminar.

Interview Steps
  1. The Co-op Office sends out your resume with a cover letter form the office to the employer(s) you have an interest in, or seem to meet your skill level and requirements.
  2. When appropriate, the Co-op Office will call the employer within two weeks of sending the resume to determine whether or not the employer has received the resume and if there is an interest in scheduling an interview.
  3. The Co-op Office or the employer will contact you if you have an interview. You are expected to contact the Co-op employer within the day to schedule the interview.

After you have scheduled the interview, you need to contact the Co-op Office to confirm the time and date.

It is expected that you research the employer (Co-op Office may have company information). Obtain a copy of the job description to prepare for the interview.

Remember your resume was probably faxed to the employer, so bring a good copy of your resume, references and a portfolio, if appropriate.

After the interview, contact the Co-op Office to discuss what occurred and when decision will be made.

You can continue to apply and interview for Co-op positions until you have accepted a position or until the withdrawal period has expired. Once you have accepted a position you need to contact the Co-op Office.

Interview Skills

Advance Preparation

  • If you are uncertain of your interviewing skills ask the Co-op staff about available mock interview training and related videos and books.
  • Call prior to your appointment to confirm time and verify location and directions.
  • Get to the interview alone. Find a babysitter, if necessary. Some employers immediately eliminate a person who brings another person to an interview.
  • Arrange your schedule leaving a two-hour block of time for the interview. Go on a trial run to the interview site.
  • Make an effort to become familiar with the company’s operations:
    • Demonstrate to the interviewer that you have “done your homework” and are serious about the job.
    • Know the principle products or services provided by the company. Understand how these products are made and sold and who purchases them.
    • Obtain this information from annual reports, brochures, and literature (The Co-op Office may be able to help.)
  • Understand yourself:
    • Know your strengths and abilities. By identifying these you will be able to understand what you have to offer an employer.
    • Be able to clearly state your abilities and potential.
  • RELAX!

At the interview

  • Know the interviewer’s name
    • Ask if you are not sure. Get the correct pronunciation.
    • Request his/her business card to get the correct title and spelling for when you send a thank you letter.
  • Consider your appearance:
    • Wear a suit; look professional.
    • Neatness counts.
    • Your hair should be well-groomed.
    • Don’t overdo the cosmetics or perfume/cologne
    • Attend to personal hygiene.
  • Mind your manners:
    • Be courteous — to all members of the company, as well as to the interviewer. Indirect hiring decisions are often made by comments made by the secretary or receptionist.
    • Shake hands when your interviewer offers. Usually a female offers her hand first to a man, though. Avoid the limp handshake as well as the atlas grip. Poor handshakes turn people off.
    • Wait to sit until the interviewer is seated or offers you a seat.
    • Don’t smoke or chew gum.
    • Thank the interviewer for his/her time when the interview is concluded.
  • Don’t invade the interviewer’s space. Do not lean on or place your handbag or other personal items on the interviewer’s desk.
  • Check your attitude:
    • Let your self-confidence shine through, but don’t be arrogant.
    • It’s okay to smile.
    • Maintain a pleasant, friendly, and courteous attitude.
    • Make eye contact with the interviewer.
    • BE ENTHUSIASTIC, let your interest in the job be apparent.
    • Do not go to the interview with a defeatist attitude. BE POSITIVE!
  • When answering questions:
    • Present your strongest qualifications.
    • Be frank, honest and open. Be yourself.
    • If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so.
    • Avoid negative words, and especially negative comments about previous employers.
    • Don’t get emotional.
    • Be responsive and alert. Show an interest in the interviewer. Establish rapport.
    • Answer the question that is asked of you. If you do not understand it, ask for clarification.
  • Don’t be late. If the unforeseen occurs, call and let them know that you’re going to be delayed.

Anticipate questions.  Remember that each question also has the unstated question, “and why should I hire you.”

  • What are your short range and long range career goals? How will you go about achieving them?
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • How/why did you choose this particular career field to pursue?
  • What can you do for this company? Why should we hire you?
  • What are your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?
  • What academic courses (high school/college) did you enjoy the most? Why?
  • Which courses best prepared you for working in this field?
  • Why are you interested in working for this company?
  • Tell me about a person you admire and why.
  • What do you do with your leisure time? What hobbies do you have?
  • What qualities would you look for in a candidate if you were hiring for this position?
  • Tell me about some things you have accomplished and why you get satisfaction from them.
  • What was your greatest failure?
  • What major disappointments have you encountered and how did you deal with them?
  • What style of management do you work best under?
  • What attracted you to apply for this position?
  • What personal traits do you possess that will allow you to perform well in this position?
  • How good are your communication skills (written/oral)? Give some examples.
  • What factors did you like best about your previous position(s)?
  • What do you expect to be doing five years from now? Ten years?
  • Will you work overtime or travel?
  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • When can you start work for us?
  • Can you give me the names of three additional people I can contact for references?

Ask questions

  • Would you describe some of the job duties?
  • Would you describe a typical work day?
  • What opportunities exist for training?
  • Who would be my immediate supervisor?
  • How are responsibilities assigned (priorities determined) for the organization?
  • What is the acceptable dress code for this position?
  • How often and in what manner is performance evaluated?
  • How many people work in the department?
  • How many sales offices does the company have?
  • When do you intend to select a candidate, and what would the starting date be?
  • What improvements would you like to see in this position?
  • How would you describe the ideal candidate for this position?
  • In what areas does the company/firm/agency excel?
  • What is the growth potential of this position?
  • What are some of the organization’s key objectives?
  • How is this department perceived by others in the organization?

After the interview

  • Immediately after the interview, prepare a typed thank-you letter or appropriate handwritten thank-you card to reemphasize your interest in the job.
  • You may want to use this letter to include information you wished to communicate during the interview but were unable to for one reason or another.
  • Remember to be brief.
The Cover Letter

The cover letter is an effective tool. A well-written cover letter accompanying your resume can secure the job interview you’ve been hoping for. A good cover letter will succinctly identify the specific skills you possess that will benefit a potential employer. The Co-op Office staff will review drafts of cover letters to prospective Co-op employers.

When preparing a cover letter,keep in mind the following points:

  • Type your letter on a quality paper.
  • Be neat; don’t erase or type over mistakes.
  • Make an extra effort, whenever possible, to open the letter with addressee’s name. When a name is not available, do not use any salutation.
  • Be personable, but not overbearing, in the written tone of your letter.
  • Don’t forget to sign your name.

The purpose of the cover letter is:

  • To secure a job interview.
  • To demonstrate the applicant’s writing skills.
  • To identify what specific skills the applicant has that will benefit the employer.

There are numerous texts available in the Career Services/Cooperative Education Library, located in L177, that can assist you with your letter preparation.

Cover Letter Format


Name of individual letter being sent to


Name of institution/company


City, State, Zip code

Dear Mr./Ms. _____:

  1. Tell why you are writing. Name the position, field or general area in which you are interested. Tell how you found out the position was open.
  2. Describe your professional/educational qualifications. Cite one or two area of qualification/experience that specifically qualify you for the position. Emphasize particular areas of related experience and training.
  3. Close by noting that you will provide any additional information requested. Note that you will look forward to a future response. Your closing should make a specific action from the reader likely.


Your full signature
Your full name typed

Cover Letter Sample

January 21, 2012

Ms. Susan Peters

Public Relations Director

Mayer & Strauss

23 Media Street

Warner, CT 06233

Dear Ms. Peters:

I am interested in a summer cooperative education position as a public relations assistant at Mayer & Strauss. An article in the March 12 issue of the Hartford Courant announced Mayer & Strauss’ award of a $5 million public relations contract with Purina.

As a five year volunteer for Animal Friends and as a Communications student at Manchester Community College, I possess the technical skill and client perspective necessary to be an asset to your agency. I have produced several videos promoting healthy pet care for my video/film-making class, in which I received an A.

Enclosed is my resume and a brochure outlining the Co-op program. If you are interested in meeting me, please call me for an interview appointment.

Thank you for your consideration.


Jill Student

On the Job
  1. Report to work on time and strive for regular attendance habits.
  2. Show pride in your work and be prepared to account for it. A high level of self-esteem, strong motivation and personal development are attributes valued by employees.
  3. Listen carefully to all instructions and follow them closely. If you have questions, it’s OK to ask.
  4. Think about the work you’re doing. Be able and willing to recognize and define problems. Use the skills that you have learned in school to help meet your responsibilities.
  5. Keep your goals in mind.
  6. Display enthusiasm. An enthusiastic attitude shows people that you like the work you’re doing.
  7. Demonstrate leadership skills. Help your co-workers whenever you can. Take the initiative.
  8. Be a team player. Good interpersonal skills will make you a valued employee and earn you the respect of your co-workers.
  9. Display a professional attitude. Be willing to accept criticism as a means of self-improvement. Listen to others who may have had experiences that will help you.
  10. When road blocks appear use your problem solving skills to continue. Think fast and be able to correctly solve the problem. People with this skill will advance quickly.
  11. Avoid activities that distract you or others from your work, or that represent a questionable use of company property. Don’t invite guests to work, or use the phone for personal calls, except in an emergency.
  12. Respect your co-workers and all the people you come in contact with on the job. This means avoiding sexist remarks.
12 Smart Survival Tips

As a Co-op student within an organization, you have the power to shape the outcome of your assignment. While not every circumstance can be anticipated, the following tips may help you create a useful and productive experience.

  1. Always ask for advice — Don’t assume; take nothing for granted; avoid following false assumptions.
  2. Invite your predecessor to lunch – Spend some time in an informal setting gleaning information from the person whose shoes you’ve been hired to fill. Find out about problem areas before you encounter them first-hand.
  3. Document everything — Always keep copies of your work, of memos, reports, files. A careful filing system will protect your efforts.
  4. Never talk about salary — It’s considered rude to ask your colleagues what they are making and even more rude to reveal the contents of your own paycheck. The only people who need to know your salary are your boss, your mate, and the IRS.
  5. Respect deadlines and schedules — Set a challenging but realistic timetable for yourself. Do everything you can to wrap up a project ahead of time.
  6. Avoid gossip — Behind the back discussions of the personal and professional lives of your colleagues is never a good idea.
  7. Clean up your act — Even if your boss is given to dirty jokes or questionable remarks, keep your comments clean.
  8. Don’t be afraid to ask for your first promotion or raise — Many times managers overlook candidates for promotion simply because those candidates haven’t let their interests be known.
  9. Promote yourself — While you want to be sure all parties get credit for an accomplishment, you want to make certain your part of the work gets noticed.
  10. Arrive Early — Get in before your boss does in the morning. Use the extra time to read trade publications and get a jump on the work of the day. Staying late is also a good idea, but only if you use your time productively.
  11. Don’t let your social life interfere with work — Watch the number of social phone calls, and don’t let your workplace become a hangout for your cronies.
  12. Seek feedback on your progress — Occasionally ask your boss how you’re doing. Self-evaluation is also important.

Information for Employers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cooperative Education?

Cooperative education integrates paid or unpaid work experience into an educational program. It forms a bridge between the world of school and work. Students earn money, experience and credits, enhancing the traditional education experience while applying their learning in a real work environment.

What are the benefits to employers or host agencies?

The CT State Manchester cooperative education program functions as a clearinghouse, offering access to students with different academic backgrounds to save time and money in personnel selection. Co-op employers also gain:

  • motivated and skilled workers
  • release time for employees to do higher-priority tasks
  • help for cyclical, short term or project needs
  • bright, enthusiastic employees with new ideas/viewpoints
  • ongoing, positive contact with the college system
  • influence curricula to meet business/industry needs
  • and much more!
What will my responsibilities be as a co-op supervisor?

As a “faculty in the field” and supervisor, you will be expected to:

  • assign meaningful tasks and provide appropriate supervision to the student
  • provide a completed Co-op Position Description and Site Agreement form for the Cooperative Education Office
  • review resumes, interview and select students for employment
  • allow a mid-term site visit with the supervising faculty member
  • complete the student evaluation form
Can I keep a co-op student longer than one semester?

Co-op placements are arranged for a single semester but can be designed to provide continuity for the employer. In fact, many employers post long-term positions with us because they find the student pool in the co-op program to be exceptional. Some degree programs involve a second work experience that will allow a student to continue for a full academic year. Co-op staff work to meet the needs of employers and students.

What if it doesn’t work out?

Every effort is made to assure a successful experience for both co-op student and employer. If concerns do arise, the co-op staff can assist in resolving the issues if students and employers request help. Students are required to provide employers with at least two weeks notice if a resolution is not possible. We are available to assist when you feel it is appropriate.

How can I learn more?

Julie Greeneis available to discuss the Cooperative Education Program and how to get involved. She can be reached at 860-512-3372. Your request for information and/or assistance will be handled promptly.

Tips for Work-Experience Employers

  • Clearly define the job, establish goals and set realistic expectations.
  • Adequately train students on job tasks and skills. Provide the intern with the tools and materials to assist him/her during the internship.
  • Make time to exercise basic supervisory skills such as listening, communicating, and providing feedback.
  • Help students develop positive habits and attitudes. Set a good example. Stress the importance of daily attendance and positive attitudes toward work ethic. Help build self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Be responsive to administrative and clerical tasks, such as completing school forms.
  • Encourage other employees to familiarize the student with various functions, and to respect their role as an intern or co-op student.