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CT State Community College Norwalk campus has a limited amount of funds available to students who are facing financial hardships and cannot afford to rent or purchase their textbooks.

Important Information

  • Students must submit a completed Textbook Assistance Application for the request to be considered.
  • Textbook assistance is provided based on the availability of funds.
  • Students must have a current year FAFSA on file to determine Financial Need.
  • Students must be registered for the semester in which they are requesting textbook assistance. Course registration will be verified after completion of a TAP application.
  • Students may submit only one application each semester; the application may contain only textbooks required for the classes being taken that semester. Unfortunately, textbook assistance for a repeated course will not be approved.
  • NEW: Beginning Spring 2025, priority will be given to those who have not received this scholarship before.
  • If a rental or digital version of the textbook is available we strongly encourage you to receive that version of the textbook.
  • Applications will be available through the first two week of classes- or until funds are exhausted, whichever comes first.
  • Students are required to write a statement (80-word minimum) to explain the financial barrier(s) preventing them from purchasing required books and to discuss how the book grant will help them achieve their educational goals.

If the application is approved, students can receive up to $500 for textbooks (new, used or rentals) at the Follett Bookstore on the East campus. Students can maximize their award by using the book rental option (the student is responsible for following all book rental program guidelines).

Other Textbook Resources

The CT State Community College Norwalk campus library provides access to textbooks (some available online), supplementary readings, video, audio and other materials that have been placed on reserve by faculty. Students with a valid student ID may borrow reserve items to use inside the library for a 90-minute period. Reserve items are non-circulating, which means they cannot be taken out of the library. For more information visit the Library on the 1st floor of the East Campus, Call: 203-857-7200 or Chat:

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply for textbook assistance?

Current students who do not have enough financial aid to cover the cost of their textbooks.

What can disqualify me from receiving textbook assistance?
  • GPA less than 1.7 (student must have a minimum of 1.70 to qualify)
  • a HOLD on account (you must clear any holds from your account to qualify)
  • Sufficient financial aid (students who receive enough financial aid to cover textbooks are not eligible)
  • Incomplete financial aid (your application cannot be evaluated until all financial aid has been posted to your student account).
How will I know if I have been awarded textbook assistance?

An email from the bookstore will be sent to your CT State email address with information on your award and next steps. Students who do not qualify will receive an email with the reason for denial.

How much will I be awarded?

The amount awarded will depend on your out of pocket expenses for the semester (the cost of tuition, fees, and textbooks less financial aid that you have been awarded), as well as the cost of the textbooks that you will need for the semester. The maximum award per student will be $500, and funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are available.

What can I use my textbook funds for?

Required textbooks for your program (textbooks, workbooks, digital course materials, such as MyMathLab and eBooks). Funds cannot be used for supplies, apparel, food, or anything other than textbooks and the accompanying digital course materials. Funds have no cash value and may only be used at the Follet bookstore on campus.

I applied for textbook assistance last semester- do I need to reapply for the upcoming semester?

YES, you will have to repeat the application process each semester. Priority will be given to those who have not received the scholarship before.

What if I have questions or need help with my application?

For questions regarding textbook assistance requirements, please contact us at