Please note the new price for this course starting after June 1:
Exams and textbooks are not included in price.
Do you wish you knew CPR in case of an emergency at home or at work? Do you need CPR training for your job?
This course covers recognizing and handling emergency situations, caring for breathing and cardiac emergencies, performing CPR, and using an AED on adult and child victims of sudden cardiac arrest until advanced medical help is available. It also covers caring for breathing emergencies for adults, children, and infants. Basic precautions for preventing disease transmission are also included. Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive an American Red Cross Adult/Pediatric CPR AED certificate which is valid for two years.
In This Course You'll Learn To:
- recall the basic steps of CPR, including assessing the scene, checking for responsiveness, and performing chest compressions and rescue breaths
- explain the underlying principles of CPR, including the importance of early recognition and intervention in cardiac arrest, the mechanics of chest compressions and rescue breaths, and the different roles of team members in an emergency situation
- apply your knowledge of CPR to different scenarios, including responding to cardiac arrest in adults, children, and infants, and dealing with choking and other respiratory emergencies
- analyze the effectiveness of CPR interventions in real-world situations, and identify factors that may influence outcomes, such as team communication, equipment availability, and patient characteristics
- evaluate your own performance in CPR, and identify areas for improvement in your own skills and knowledge
- develop new CPR protocols and procedures, based on your understanding of best practices and emerging research
- take into account the specific needs and resources of your own work environments

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Financial Aid and Funding Options
Students in our non-credit career programs are not eligible for federal financial aid or free college funding. However, there are alternative funding options available, such as WIOA, SNAP, and scholarships.