Exams and textbooks are not included in price.
Fully funded through Accenture
Improve your workforce’s knowledge and your company’s capacity!
The Manufacturing Processes program provides foundational knowledge of common shop floor operations for those working in non-machining positions within the field of manufacturing. This program caters to manufacturing companies with employees who may not be familiar with machining or associated practices, providing knowledge of the precision machining process to planners, process engineers, quality control managers, supervisors, leaders, and shipping and receiving personnel.
Students are eligible to sit for the National Credentials exam (link to https://www2.nims-skills.org/) in job planning, benchwork and layout credentials under NIMS.
Please contact Workforce Development & Continuing Education at Housatonic at 203-332-5037 or email at HC-ContinuingEd@hcc.commnet.edu for more information.
In This Course You'll Learn To:
- apply programming skills, modern frameworks, and design thinking to produce IT solutions
- describe business analysis, process and systems design
Admission Requirements:
- GED or high school diploma
- Must not have a 4-year degree
- Must be approved to work in the US without sponsorship
This Course Covers:
Machine Safety (6 hours)
- Injury threats & dangers
- Machine guarding
Milling Processes (30 hours)
- Basic milling operations
- Hole making operations
- Machine types
- Milling cutters types
- Measurement
- Safety
Turning Processes (30 hours)
- Basic turning operations
- OD Turning & threading operations
- ID turning operations & hole making
- Turning tools
- Lathe types
- Measurement
- Safety
Precision Grinding (12 hours)
- Abrasive machining operations
- Wheel mounting & wheel safety
- Grinding wheel types
- Grinding machine types
- Troubleshooting surface finishes.
- Measurement
Precision Inspection (12 hours)
- Micrometers & Calipers
- Height gages
- Squares & Protractors
- Indicators, Surface gage, magnetic bases
- Gage pins & Gage Blocks
- V Blocks & Sine bars and bench centers
- Inspection setup
Upcoming Courses
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Use our course finder to get info about upcoming classes including dates, times, locations, and more. Select WFD/CE 2024-2025 for winter and spring courses (summer to be announced soon).

Registering for a course is easy and can be done in-person, online, or by mail.

Financial Aid and Funding Options
Students in our non-credit career programs are not eligible for federal financial aid or free college funding. However, there are alternative funding options available, such as WIOA, SNAP, and scholarships.