Personal Trainer

Exams and textbooks are not included in price.
Do you love working out and want to make a difference in people’s lives? Turn your passion for fitness into a career as a certified Personal Trainer!
CT State offers the only in-person, hands-on practical skills lab in the industry. You’ll learn about anatomy, exercise physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics, nutrition and more. In-person labs are held each week, allowing you to role-play and review essential hands-on skills. Learn to assess and train clients with topics such as stretching, warm-ups and cool-downs, exercise analysis and training program design being covered. Additionally, you can gain a highly valued Level 2 certification if you participate in the World Instructor Training Schools (WITS) 30-hour optional employer externship, opening even more doors to job opportunities.
The future need for personal trainers is growing. As businesses, governments and insurance companies continue to recognize the benefits of health and fitness programs for their employees, incentives to join gyms or other types of health clubs are expected to increase the need for fitness trainers and instructors.
Upon completion of the Personal Trainer program, you will be able to sit for the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) exam, which can earn you a higher salary. The current average salary for personal trainers is approximately $40,700. This accredited program is approved for three college credits towards a degree.
In This Course You'll Learn To:
- explain key terms and principles of basic anatomy, kinesiology and exercise physiology
- assess an individual’s level of fitness using American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines
- design and customize exercise programs
- demonstrate proper execution of resistance, cardiovascular and flexibility exercises
- demonstrate at least one strength exercise for every major muscle group
- explain ACSM and American Heart Association recommendations for cardiovascular exercise
- modify exercise programs to meet the needs of special populations
Admission Requirements:
- Must be at least 18 years of age
- GED or high school diploma

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Registering for a course is easy and can be done in-person, online, or by mail.

Financial Aid and Funding Options
Students in our non-credit career programs are not eligible for federal financial aid or free college funding. However, there are alternative funding options available, such as WIOA, SNAP, and scholarships.
The Personal Trainer National Certification program is approved by World Instructor Training Schools (W.I.T.S.), 2244 Sunstates Court, Suite 107, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, 888-330-9487,