Title IX Resources
Lexington Group (Employees): Brochure – The Lexington Group (the-lexington-group.com)
State-wide coalitions:
Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence
96 Pitkin Street, East Hartford, CT 06108
860-282-9881 | 860-291-9335 (fax)
CT Sexual Violence Hotlines
English: 1-888-999-5545 (call or text)
Español 1-888-568-8332
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 24-hour online hotline
ohl.rainn.org/online | 1-800-656-HOPE (1-800-656-4673)
GLBT National Help Center
Trans Lifeline: a hotline dedicated to the well-being of transgender people, run by transgender people 877-565-8860
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV)
655 Winding Brook Drive, Suite 4050, Glastonbury, CT 06033
860-282-7899 | Send us a message
CTSafeConnect: 24/7 Help Call • Text • Chat • Email • 24/7
CTSafeConnect.org | 888-774-2900
National Sexual Assault Hotline
1-800-656-4673 | Chat Online: online.rainn.org
National Sexual Assault, Domestic & Family Violence Counseling Services
Campus Resources
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Dawn Bryden
Room 101 | dawn.bryden@ctstate.edu I 860-253-1277
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services (i.e., counseling)
Behavioral Health Center, Room 125
Community-Based Resources
The Network Against Domestic Abuse
860-763-4542 (24-hour crisis hotline)
New Britain YWCA –Sexual Assault Crisis Service 24-hour hotline English
English: 888-999-5545
Spanish: 888-568-8332
Local Hartford Hotline: 860-547-1022
Virtual Crisis Counseling
In addition to phone support, YWCA is now offering video and text chatting to survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones. If you are already working with a counselor, ask about our new virtual system. If you are new to SACS, to get connected with a counselor, please fill out our quick survey here.
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Kelly Hope, Associate Dean of Student Development
Room 213 | kelly.hope@ctstate.edu | 860-906-5315
Community-Based Resources:
New Britain YWCA –Sexual Assault Crisis Service 24-hour hotline English
English: 888-999-5545
Spanish: 888-568-8332
Local Hartford Hotline: 860-547-1022
Virtual Crisis Counseling
In addition to phone support, YWCA is now offering video and text chatting to survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones. If you are already working with a counselor, ask about our new virtual system. If you are new to SACS, to get connected with a counselor, please fill out our quick survey here.
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
LaRue Pierce, Dean of Students
Gateway Campus N-220 | 203-285-2210
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services (i.e., counseling)
Counseling and Wellness Office
Gateway Campus N-114 | 203-285-2480
Community-Based Resources
Women and Families Center
142 Temple St., Suite 206, New Haven, CT 06510
The Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Hope Family Justice Center
142 Temple St. Suite 301 | 203-800-7204
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Joshua Williams, Associate Dean ofStudent Development
Lafayette Hall Room L118 | joshua.williams3@ctstate.edu | 203-332-5108
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services (i.e., counseling)
Counseling and Wellness Center
Lafayette Hall | HC-Counseling@ctstate.edu | 203-332-5285
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Trent "T.J." Barber, MS (He/His/Him) Campus Associate Dean of Student Development
Location: Lowe 287 | 860-512-3203
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services
Wanda Reyes-Dawes - My Office is a Safe Zone
Location: MS SSC L287 | 860-512-3203
Community-Based Resources
Interval House
Local Number: 860-246-9149
24 Hour Hotline: 860-838-8467 (English) | 844-831-9200 (Español)
Mindset Time Counseling
Aneela Shah, Licensed Therapist
Lowe 155, Mondays 9 a.m.-1:30 m.| aneela.shah@mindsettime.com
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Sara Hanson, sara.hanson@ctstate.edu | 860-343-5883 | Founders Hall, Room 107
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services
Listening Lounge (Staffed by intern)
Hours and other info TBD
Deputy Title IX Coordinator (Waterbury and Danbury campuses)
Sarah E. Gager
Naugatuck Valley campus – Kinney Hall, Room 509 | 203-575-8086 | sarah.gager@ctstate.edu
Confidential campus-based support services
Natalie Bush, Wellness Counselor
Kinney Hall Room 406 | 203-596-2104 | natasha.bush@ctstate.edu
Tammy MacBrien Downs, Wellness Counselor
Danbury campus, D309 | 203-437-9652 | tammy.macbriendowns@ctstate.edu
Community-based resources
Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury
Contact: Ms. Louisa Printz
29 Central Ave. Waterbury, CT, 06702 | 203-575-0388 | safehavengw.org
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Megan Vo, Associate Dean of Student Development Founders Hall 102 | 860-738-6335
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services (i.e., counseling)
Ruth E Gonzalez, PhD, LPC
Goulet Building 56 Park Place, Winsted | 860-738-6315
Community-Based Resources
Susan B. Anthony Project
Office: 860-489-3798
24-Hour Crisis Line: 860-482-7133
Deputy Title IX Officer
Tony Peffer, D.A., Chief Academic and Student Affairs Officer
203-857-7309 | george.peffer@ctstate.edu
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services
Wendy Mendes
wendy.mendes@ctstate.edu | E322
Community-Based Resources
The Rowan Center
Hotline: 860-329-2929
Stamford Office: 203-348-9346
Norwalk Office: Phone: 203-588–9100 | Fax: 203-588–9101
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Tanaya M. Walters, Ed.D, Associate Dean of Student Development/ Deputy Title IX/ Equity
Office E233 | 860-932-4184 |tanaya.walters@ctstate.edu
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services (i.e., counseling):
Contact Associate Dean Walters and/or utilize Timely Care
Community-Based Resources
College Advocate (Lianne Marsella)
liannemarsella@saccec.org from Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Southeastern CT (SACCEC)
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Becca Kitchell. Ed.D, Associate Dean of Student Development
Office C-131| 860-215-9240 | Rebecca.Kitchell@ctstate.edu
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services
Andrea Peraza-Jennings, LCSW
Office C-162 | 8602159298 | andrea.pedrazajennings@ctstate.edu
Confidential Off-Campus Partner
Lianne Marsella-Kopfman, College Campus Advocate with the Sexual Assault Crisis Center for Eastern CT (SACCEC)
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Sydney Lake, Associate Dean of Student Development
Office 1-116 | 860-773-1644 | sydney.lake@ctstate.edu
Confidential Campus-Based Support Services
Sarah Wilkie
860-773-1543 | sarah.wilkie@ctstate.edu