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Capital's Career Advancement Program-Greater Hartford's talent pipelineMaking sure that you have a pipeline of highly talented, local, diverse, motivated employees is a must!  Join our corporate partners in this highly successful program. The vast majority of the students in the CCAP program graduate with an Associate’s Degree and go on to a four-year university.The average GPA of students is 3.6.

CCAP students are like no others in the community. By background and ethnicity, they represent the residents of Hartford. Many of them are the first in their families to attend college and many are the first in their families to live in the United States. Most do not have role models who exemplify the success a college education can help provide, and most do not have role models who exemplify success in a business environment. In other words, schools and businesses have cultures that are an unknown quantity to many CCAP students.

What does CCAP give them? It gives them exposure and support in both an educational environment and a business environment. Through its program components – academic counseling, professional development courses, internships and business mentors – CCAP students are now able to compete with students of other colleges in the job market.

What does CCAP give businesses? CCAP gives businesses a chance to see the potential in young people who bring high educational attainment and a drive to succeed with them to the workplace. It provides you with the ability to hire pre-tested employees with experience in your field and familiarity with your company. CCAP is a win-win for students and for the organizations that hire them.

CCAP is celebrating its 10th year as a partnership with the Travelers EDGE (Empowering Dreams for Graduation and Employment) program. The inaugural cohort was recognized at this year’s Traveler’ shareholder meeting.

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Contact Us

    To discuss your potential involvement with this program, contact John C. Thomas at or 860-906-5234.