High-Definition Screening Room
This room is equipped for screening high-definition Blu-rays, DVDs, Apple TV and online interactive content. The command station has inputs for computers, laptops, iPads, iPods and other devices. The classroom features a surround-sound system, a state-of-the-art projection system, a wall-mounted large-screen HDTV and a video conferencing system. The large, multifunctional room features movable seating that can be used for a lecture-style class or stacked away for a performance class. The Screening Room is located in Chapman Hall, room 605.
New Media Production Classroom
This room features 24 top-of-the-line iMacs, equipped with the latest production technology and software. There are also laptop stations and workstations for students to work on multimedia and design projects. The New Media Production classroom is located in Chapman Hall, room 610.
New Media Production Lab
This open lab features 24 top-of-the-line iMacs, equipped with the latest production technology and software. It is available for student use and has software to support all Digital Media Production courses. This lab also features a Lynda.com Kiosk where students can access video tutorials. The classroom features a high-end projection system and surround sound audio. The New Media Production lab is located in Chapman Hall, room 612.
Collaborative Classroom
This classroom is laid out in clusters so students can easily work in groups for class projects. The Collaborative Classroom features four television monitors with the ability to show multiple sources and 24 top-of-the-line iMacs. There is also a glass window that looks into Master Control and The Production Studio. The Collaborative Classroom is located in Chapman Hall, 629.
Video Editing Labs
The Center for New Media department offers video editing suites for students taking production courses. Students can work alone or in small groups in these suites. The editing suites feature sound-proof walls and high-end iMacs with video production and design software. To learn more about reserving an editing suite, click here. The editing suites are located in Chapman Hall, 628 A and B.
Production Studio
The new Production Studio allows for the production of live and recorded programming, green screen effects, motion capture, and motion picture photography. It can also serve as music recording studio and a black box theater for live theater and acting classes. The new high-definition studio is located on the lower level of Chapman Hall, room 632.