NVCC Foundation Honors Dr. Peter Jacoby with Community Champion Award

Dr. Peter Jacoby, who is shown with his wife Kristen Jacoby, was recognized with the Community Champion Award recently for his work in support of the NVCC Foundation.
WATERBURY—The Naugatuck Valley Community College (NVCC) Foundation presented its inaugural Community Champion Award to Peter Jacoby, M.D., at its Fourth Annual Leadership Breakfast recently.
The NVCC Foundation established the Community Champion award to recognize an individual who supports the work of Naugatuck Community College, the NVCC Foundation, and the community at-large.
“Dr. Jacoby has and continues to be a tireless champion in the community,” said Charles Pagano, chair of the NVCC Foundation board of directors. “His work, advocacy, generosity, and dedication to the NVCC community is valued and appreciated.”
Jacoby is the medical director of the Wound Center and past chairman of Emergency Medicine at Saint Mary’s Hospital in Waterbury.
Jacoby led the NVCC Foundation’s Founders Hall capital campaign, raising over $1 million dollars, which made the completion of the renovated Founders Hall possible. The building houses NVCC’s allied health programs including nursing, radiologic technology, respiratory care, and physical therapy, and is the base for the college’s noncredit workforce development certificate and safety programs.
Jacoby is a past winner of many awards and serves on the board of directors for multiple organizations in the community, including the NVCC Foundation.
The breakfast raised more than $75,000 to support the educational needs of NVCC students.
The NVCC Foundation is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a community-based board of directors. The Foundation’s mission is raising funds that support the needs of the college and Naugatuck Valley Community College students through capital improvements, student scholarships, college programs, and student emergency funds. For information on the NVCC Foundation, or to become involved, call Angela Chapman at 203.575.8208.
NVCC is among 12 community colleges in Connecticut merging on July 1 to become CT State Community College, one of the largest community colleges in the country and largest in New England, dedicated to quality, access, and affordability. CT State students will be able to apply once and take classes at any campus. In addition to NVCC, other locations include Asnuntuck (Enfield), Capital (Hartford), Gateway (New Haven and North Haven), Housatonic (Bridgeport), Manchester, Middlesex (Middletown and Meriden), Northwestern (Winsted), Norwalk, Quinebaug Valley (Danielson and Willimantic), Three Rivers (Norwich) and Tunxis (Farmington).