Budget Deficit Mitigation Plan
On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, President John Maduko, MD and his executive leadership team presented CT State’s Budget Deficit Mitigation Plan to the Board of Regents for Higher Education. CT State Community College’s budget has a structural imbalance, meaning expenditures are growing faster than revenues. This is caused by increasing costs and lower revenue due to declining enrollments and expiration of one-time pandemic funding.
CT State wants to be both transparent and inclusive in this process, honoring our principles of shared governance. Please find a link to the plan below. It contains, in part, input from the recent Budget Deficit Mitigation Suggestion Box. We have also provided a link to provide feedback on the plan as presented.
Although CT State cannot maintain the current level of services, we are committed to minimizing the impacts to our mission, our students, our employees, and our equity and DEI principles.