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As a CT State student, you pay a student activity fee. This fee, along with the fees of all other students, goes into a student activity fund overseen by campus student activities offices. Funds may be allocated for various things, including student organizations, clubs and other activities.

Student governance typically includes an executive board of elected officials, student organization representatives, and general representatives who provide leadership, help facilitate the allocation of funds, plan activities, and provide a platform for students to raise questions, concerns, or updates that affect the student body on campus. Additionally, members may act as a voice to inform the greater public of the needs of community college students.

Participation in student governance allows YOU to make decisions that will affect student life on your campus.

Need more reasons to participate in student governance?

  • It looks great on a resume or when applying to transfer.
  • You’ll gain valuable experience and improve your skillset and leadership abilities.
  • You can create networking opportunities within the campus.

What do I need to participate?

Though the requirements for participation in student governance will depend on the campus/governance organization, here are a few basic expectations for participants:
  • You must meet specific basic standards of academic history, GPA and current enrollment.
  • You must commit to attend all meetings and supplementary activities.

Student governance looks different on each of CT State’s campuses. Learn more about the opportunities on your home campus by choosing from the list above. Please note that not all campuses have student governance information listed.

Asnuntuck Student Governance

Campus Activities Board

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) coordinates an ongoing schedule of activities for the Asnuntuck campus. CAB members choose, plan, and promote social activities, parties, concerts, and more! The Campus Activities Board welcomes new members, ideas, and help from the student body.

Attend a Meeting

We meet every Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Glass Conference Room located on the second floor.

Capital Student Governance

CT State Capital’s Student Government Association (SGA) represents all students in order to enhance their experience within the college and the community, through research, legislation, and advocacy. Its primary purpose is to serve as the voice of the student body to the CT State Capital administration, and other constituents concerned with the institution. The Student Senate establishes student body policies through legislation that is later implemented by the student body president and his or her executive branch.


Gateway Student Governance

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association or SGA as it is often referred to, is the voice of the Gateway campus student body. The SGA is governed by an Executive Board (E-Board) that consists of a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Your participation provides you the opportunity to be informed on key issues that affect you and your fellow students. Additionally, the SGA provides you a platform to bring forth any questions, concerns, or updates you would like the executive board to address as they have direct communication to the Gateway campus administration.

Attend an SGA General Body Meeting

You establish membership by being marked present at one SGA meeting. 

Currently, all SGA general body meetings are held virtually every two weeks, and an email with the link to join will go out to all students every two weeks, starting at the end of September/early October in the fall semester.


We the students of CT State Gateway, in order to form a democratic, efficient and responsible Student Government to represent, lead and unify the student body, to decide and recommend for the students upon any matter involving the student interests, to promote common understanding between students, faculty, and administration, while protecting the individual rights of students, do hereby establish and adopt this Constitution and its By-Laws for the Gateway Student Government Association.

Why SGA?

The Student Government Association or SGA as it is often referred to, is the voice of the Gateway campus student body. The SGA is governed by an Executive Board (E-Board) that consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Your participation in SGA is strongly encouraged as it provides you the opportunity to be informed on key issues that affect you and your colleagues. Additionally, it provides you a platform to bring forth any questions, concerns, or updates you would like the SGA Executive Board to address as they have direct communication to the Gateway Administration.

What does SGA do overall?

As a student at GCC, you pay a student activity fee. This fee, along with the fees of all other students, goes into a Student Activity Fund, which is an account in the Student Activities Office. The Student Activities Office staff oversees allocation of all of these funds for a variety of different things. For example, money is allocated to the SGA Executive Board who then allocates funds to new and continuing student organizations/clubs per year. Student Organizations are then able to put together a host of activities and events that revolve around their respective missions, yet are open to all students. Funds are also reserved then allocated for conference trips, community projects, school wide events/projects, and of course a wide array of activities that engages you the student in a multitude of ways!

What does each SGA Executive Board (E-Board) Member do?

  • All SGA E-Board members must maintain office hours at a minimum of 2 hours per week, which will be done virtually for the foreseeable future
  • E-Board members may also oversee specific committees such as the Finance Committee, Election Committee and so forth
  • The entire SGA E-Board holds bi-weekly E-Board meetings and bi-weekly SGA General Body Meetings.

Summary of Specific Duties:


  1. Presides over meetings of the SGA and chairs the Executive Board. 
  2. Can veto any SGA action where he/she deems necessary. 
  3. Votes on matters in which the group has come to a tie.
  4. Appoints committees
  5. Represents the SGA at college and community functions
  6. Uses correct parliamentary procedure.


  1. Performs the duties of the President in the absence of the President, or when the President is incapacitated.
  2. Presides over the meetings of specific committee.
  3. Maintains calendar of all SGA meetings, committee meetings and events.
  4. Presides over all committees established by SGA


  1. Records the minutes of all meetings of the SGA.
  2. Types all minutes and agendas.
  3. E-mail minutes of all official meetings within 24 – 48 hours of the meeting’s adjournment.
  4. Writes and maintains SGA correspondence.
  5. Chairs committee as assigned.
  6. Keeps a catalog of Student Organization/Club minutes


  1. Works in conjunction with the Office of Student Activities to maintain records of receipts and expenditures of the SGA in the form of a ledger.
  2. Present the Treasurer’s Report at meetings of the SGA as new expenditures and balance totals become available.
  3. Assist in preparing vouchers for payment in a timely manner.
  4. Approve student organization/club expenditures in compliance with the Student Activity Fund Financial Guidelines.
  5. Tracks all expenses/budgets specific to SGA.

How do I join?

As a student at Gateway, you are eligible for membership in the Student Government Association (SGA). All you have to do is the following:

  • Ensure you are in good standing with the college by paying all tuition and fees
  • Attend an SGA General Body Meeting – You establish membership by being marked present at one SGA meeting.

*Currently all SGA General Body meetings are held virtually every two weeks and an e-mail with the link to join will go out to all students every two weeks, starting at the end of September/early October in the Fall semester.

How do I run for a position on the SGA Executive Board?

We will be holding elections each Fall semester with the goal of establishing a new SGA Executive Board by September 18th. Marketing for the elections will begin late summer and progress into candidate submissions, creation of ballots and finally voting which will all be done virtually. A tentative timeline for the SGA election campaign will be as follows:

  1. Marketing: Late Summer (August) through voting days in September
  2. Candidate Submissions: From start of classes August 26th to September 11th
  3. Town Hall: A virtual Town Hall with Candidates will take place the second Monday in September or September 14.
  4. Voting: Voting will open after Town Hall on September 14 and remain open through September 17
  5. New SGA Executive Board: Will be announced on Friday September 18th

*Dates may vary; please check the website for updates as well as social media and e-mail. We will inform all students of dates through various means. 

Requirements to run for election are as follows:

  • Completed 12 credits or more at Gateway campus
  • GPA of 2.5 or better
  • Have declared a major
  • Be in good standing with the college (financially and academically)

Housatonic Student Governance

Becoming a Student Senator

A position on the Housatonic campus student senate is ideal if you’re looking for a career or other lifelong participation within the political community or any field requiring leadership skills such as objectivity and good communication.  

For more information on becoming a student senator, please visit the Student Life Office BH-317.

Manchester Student Governance

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association (SGA) on the Manchester campus is a governing body of elected and non-elected students who represent the student body as a whole. The SGA uses Student Activity Fee (SAF) funds to sponsor various clubs, organizations, activities and services. As the official voice of the student body, the SGA has the power to regulate the SAF, student clubs and to make decisions that affect all students.

Campus Activities Board (CAB)

The purpose of the Campus Activities Board (CAB) is to provide an exciting and well-rounded activities program for the students at the Manchester campus in conjunction with student activities. The main functions of the CAB is to:

  • Plan, promote and implement diverse, student-sponsored programs that serve the best interests of the Manchester campus student body.
  • Co-sponsor activities with SGA clubs and/or the college. Any student activity funds allocated by CAB shall be returned in whole or part upon completion of a co-sponsored event.
  • Work with the SGA Publicity Committee to assess student needs and minimize apathy.

Cultural Programs Committee

The Cultural Programs Committee (CPC) is a subcommittee of the SGA responsible for considering and discussing existing cultural programs as well as developing, planning and promoting cultural growth while simultaneously extending and supplementing the totality of the college’s offerings.

Members are elected and include a combination of students, faculty and staff. CPC meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month via Teams. For more information on the CPC, contact T.J. Barber, Director of Outreach and Student Life at or 860-512-3283.

Only students who are homed on the Manchester campus may be elected to represent the campus on governance committees and in the Student Government Association.  Students who are credit-bearing, homed at Manchester, and have achieved good academic standing are eligible.

The following governance committees offer opportunities for student involvement in college and campus governance on the Manchester campus. The Student Government Association elects most positions. Contact Student Activities if you want to serve on one of the following committees.

Academic Standards Committee: 1 student
Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 3:30 p.m.
Considers matters of academic standards at the college by reviewing current policies and proposals for change and standardization of academic standards, recommending new policies or modifications or deletion of existing policies, and recommending Manchester campus input on any system-proposed standardized policies.

Library and Academic Technology Committee: 2 Students
Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 3:30 p.m.
Reviews and advises on policies, acquisitions and services related to academic information resources and technology, such as those of the library and of educational technology.

College Campus Senate: 2 Students
Meets the third Tuesday of every month at 3:30 p.m.
The College Campus Senate is the main forum for discussion of issues that affect the entire college community, such as, but not limited to, the following: campus buildings, grounds, and non-academic technologies; campus health and safety; academic calendar and scheduling; issues concerning admissions, registration, and financial aid; broad issues of campus culture; community and priorities. The senate has the authority and responsibility to discuss, recommend and determine, as appropriate, policies related to these topics and any issues not under the mandate of the academic senate or the student senate. 

Cultural Programs Committee: 2 Students
Meets the first Thursday of every month at 3:30 p.m.
The Cultural Programs Committee is charged with considering and discussing existing cultural programs and to develop, plan, and promote cultural growth while simultaneously extending and supplementing the totality of the college’s offerings. Members are elected and include a combination of students, faculty and staff. CPC meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month in person and online. For more information on the CPC, contact Michelle Nickerson, Director of Student Activities at 860-512-3282 or

Diversity Committee: 2 Students
Meets the first Monday of every month at 3:30 p.m.
The Diversity Committee consists of students, faculty, and staff who work together to bring awareness to issues surrounding diversity on the Manchester campus as well as programming related to it. This committee defines diversity in a myriad of ways that include but are not limited to culture, ethnic, religious, gender, orientation, and more. 

Employee Recognition Committee: 2 Students
Meets the first Friday of every month between November and January at 9:30 a.m.
The Employee Recognition Committee evaluates processes for providing recognition to the hard working employees of the  Manchester campus and is charged with coordinating the Excellence Awards given out mid-year annually. Every year, one faculty member and one staff member are recognized by the campus for their dedication to the mission of the college and student support. This committee is comprised of faculty, staff, administrators and students.

Strategic Planning Committee: 2 Students
Meets TBD
Develops, plans and coordinates broad discussions of the college’s goals and direction as part of college senate meeting agendas, special college-wide forums, or through other means; to summarize the results of the input; and to make recommendations for new or altered goals and priorities.

Student Life Committee: 4 Students
Meets as needed
Serves as a forum amongst faculty, staff and students for discussion, communication and advice concerning all areas of student life and to encourage student participation in such activities. These activities include but are not limited to, co-curricular activities, registration, orientation and advising.

Middlesex Student Governance

Student Senate

Student Senate on the Middlesex campus is an annually elected (and non-elected) assembly of current students who represent the entire student body. The Senate serves two very important roles:

  1. Advocate for the interests of Middlesex students in its dealings with college faculty, staff, and administration. It can regulate the student activities fund and member organizations and make decisions that affect all students. Senate members also serve on the college council committees, search committees for new staff members, and other ad hoc committees. Many are student leaders for the new student orientation program and/or tour guides for our admissions department.
  2. Govern the expenditure of collected student activities fees that provide financial support for campus clubs and organizations, as well as for on and off-campus activities. With these fees, the Senate continuously plans, coordinates and conducts various programs and special activities that enrich college life. Often in coordination with enthusiastic faculty, we have arranged for nationally renowned authors, speakers, performers and artists to appear on campus. All students are urged to share their ideas, personal skills, leadership and group management skills to assist with developing and coordinating activities deemed worthy by the student senate.

Student Senate is based in the Student Activities Office, Founders Hall, Room 127.

Naugatuck Valley Student Governance Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) comprises senators from the general student population and representatives from each recognized student club. The SGA provides an opportunity for the expression of student interests and concerns regarding the affairs of the college. This leadership body works closely with the college administration. Join the SGA meetings held on Wednesdays from 4-5 p.m. All are invited to join us in Room L501.

No previous student government leadership experience is necessary to participate in this organization. All meetings of the SGA are open to the general college population. This year's weekly SGA meetings will be held on Wednesdays in room L501 from 4-5:00 pm. Executive Officer Meetings are also held weekly. The day and time are to be determined.

Stop into the Student Activities Office room S514 for more information or contact Karen Blake.

To contact an officer of the SGA call 203-596-2185 or stop by S516.

Current Officers

Dolly Motlhaping, SGA President

Isaac Lebron, SGA Vice President

Esha Kumar, SGA Secretary

Edilianis Gonzales, SGA Treasurer

SGA Senator and Officer Positions

Job descriptions and petitions for Student Government Association

Northwestern Student Governance

CT State Northwestern Student Senate

The Student Senate is the governing body representing all students registered for credit courses on the Northwestern campus. The group works to keep student body morale high while fostering a close spirit of cooperation among Northwestern campus students, faculty and staff. 

Meetings take place on Tuesdays in GW 110.

Advisors: Andrew Wetmore, 860-738-6344, and Jacqueline Kuns,

Norwalk Student Governance

Student Government Association

Participating in the Student Government Association (SGA) will allow you to influence decisions that may affect your education and experience at CT State while helping you to develop your leadership skills. The mission of the SGA is to serve and represent the student body of CT State Norwalk, promoting good citizenship and harmonious relationships within the campus and college community. The SGA helps promote extracurricular activities, various student groups, seasonal student functions, fundraisers, and improvements to the campus. If you have the drive to help and represent your fellow students, work together as a team, and display the ability to be a leader on and off campus, participating in the SGA may be right for you. SGA meets every Monday at 2:30 p.m. via Webex or in East Campus 212.

Advisor: Jessica V. Moreno,

Quinebaug Valley Student Governance

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a student-run entity lead by a committee of Quinebaug Valley students elected by their peers to plan events and amplify student voices. The SGA operates under the guidelines of a constitution and by-laws informing how it is structured, decisions are made, and business is conducted.

Three Rivers Student Governance

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a governing body of elected and non-elected students who represent the interests of the student body and work to improve the campus community. SGA also chairs a Campus Activity Board (CAB), an organization for students who would like to plan campus events.

 Students interested in joining SGA can attend a weekly SGA meeting, contact a student government representative in the SGA Office (F209), or stop by Student Programs (F211).

Tunxis Student Governance

Student Government Association

Considered the official voice of the student body, the SGA helps to plan activities and provide a means of communication within the College structure. The SGA uses student activity fees to pay for all its college activities. The Executive Board of the SGA consists of Five officers: president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, event coordinator, two voting members from each of the recognized student organizations and members at large from the campus community. All students are members of the SGA. Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 3 p.m. on MS Teams. Links are available at the Virtual Student Lounge on Blackboard.

For more information, contact Christopher LaPorte, 860-773-1362 Director of Student Activities.