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What’s It Like Being a CT State Student?

The campuses of CT State pride themselves on being diverse and supportive spaces where students of all ages, backgrounds and abilities come together to achieve their academic goals and prepare for a more vibrant future for themselves and for their families.

Our campuses are commuter campuses, located throughout the state. Some are in the largest cities, while others are part of rural communities. While many of our students attend straight out of high school, adults starting their higher education journeys for the first time, or those returning to college are also abundant on our campuses. We even have students who've earned higher degrees return to CT State to gain a new skill set or change careers. International students, veterans and senior citizens round out our classrooms, as well.

Each campus is slightly different but across all, students can be assured that outside the classroom they have access to a full range of student-centered services whose sole goal is to ensure academic success.

Last updated: December 26, 2024 | 7:25 pm