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Kerry A. Kelley

Vice President of Finance and Administration, Chief Financial Officer


Phone: 860-612-7028

Kerry A. Kelley joined Connecticut State Community College in May 2020 with more than two decades of public finance leadership experience. A veteran Connecticut budget and policy advisor, Kerry is highly respected throughout the executive and legislative branches and across the political spectrum for her knowledge and leadership in state budget analysis, policymaking and legislative affairs. Formerly she was the Fiscal and Program Policy Section Chief for Education and Workforce Programs at the Office of Policy and Management, overseeing twelve state agencies with general fund budgets totaling more than $4.1 billion annually. Kerry deeply understands the legislative process, having served as a budget and policy analyst with the Connecticut General Assembly’s non-partisan fiscal office. She is a leader in higher education policy and finance, serving on a variety of bodies in Connecticut and nationally, including the UConn Health Center Finance Corporation Board of Directors, the Connecticut Higher Education Planning Commission, the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET) Advisory Committee; the Connecticut Student Loan Foundation (CSLF); the Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority (CHESLA); Complete College America’s Connecticut Alliance Team; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s Children’s Savings Account Consortium.

Kerry was a 2006 Robert J. Thompson fellow, awarded by the Conference of State Governments and the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania. Kerry received a BA in Political Science from UConn and MPA from UConn with a concentration in Public Finance. She and her husband reside in West Hartford.