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Do you want to make the most of your summer and winter breaks? 
Do you want to get ahead in your program of study? 

Make Your Break Count!

By Taking a Summer or Winter Class, You Can:

  • Accelerate your studies
  • Catch up on credits
  • Pick up a requirement or fulfill a prerequisite

Benefits Include:

  • Access to full range of student services
  • Intensive format
  • Same academic excellence as fall/spring semesters

How to Register

New, Transfer and Readmit Students

All new, transfer and readmit students are encouraged to meet with a Guided Pathways Advisor prior to registering for classes.

To register for classes as a new, transfer or re-admit student at CT State, please follow these easy steps for successful enrollment.

  1. Complete the Admissions Application  
  2. Upload your documents to admissions to your Application Account  
  3. Receive an email of acceptance along with your student banner ID number
  4. Submit official college transcripts if attended another college/university (if applicable)
    Request Transcripts 
  5. Apply for Financial Aid (optional) 
    School Code for CT State is: 007635 
  6. Log-in and complete your myCTState Online Orientation 
  7. Meet with your Guided Pathways (GP) Advisor
  8. Register for classes through myCTState (follow the instructions listed below for Continuing Students)
  9. Get your textbooks
  10. Get your college photo ID card 
  11. Sign up and attend In-Person New Student Orientation at your home campus
Continuing Students

To register online for classes at CT State, please follow these easy steps:

1. Log into myCTState 
2. Access Student Self Service” by going to the Student Self-Service card

example of banner self service card

Note: If this is the first time you are accessing registration through myCTState, you may be asked to address an action item. Please click on the link that says “Review Required Action Items”. An example of an action item is to review and acknowledge the Student Enrollment Agreement. Once the action items are completed, you can continue to follow the steps to register. Use the “Continue” button to return to the registration process.

3. Select “Register for Classes”

example of banner self-service card with

4. Select the term (e.g., “Fall 2023”)

example of what it will look like to select a term

5. Use the “Find Classes” tab to search for a course. You can search by subject, campus, course number, keyword, instructional method, etc. Click “Search” when ready.

example of registration screen

6. If you know the specific Course Registration Numbers (CRNs), you may enter that instead.

screenshot of enter CRN box

7. Click “Add” to select the course you are interested in.

click add

Note: If interested in adding a Foreign Language course, you need to complete the Languages and Cultures Questionnaire before you can enroll.

8. Click “submit” to confirm your course registration.

example of screen you'll see

9. Your registration is confirmed once you see the course status as “Registered”.

example of registered status view

10. Make payments arrangements. Follow the instructions on the “Student Accounts and Billing” card.

Important to Know

Academic Rigor

While the number of weeks for each accelerated session is much shorter than those of the regular fall and spring semesters, students should be aware that each course contains the same number of class hours as the regular semester. As a result, the level of study is much more intensive and demanding of time. Students should consider this in planning their time and course selection.


If you are registering to take a credit course and are not currently enrolled in classes at CT State Community College, complete an application for admission

Financial Aid

Financial aid may be available during the summer and winter sessions to students with eligible Pell funds from the current academic year. Visiting students are not eligible to receive financial aid to cover winter or summer tuition and fees. If you are considering taking summer or winter classes, please contact your local Financial Aid office for further information.


If you are attending another college or university and intend to transfer CT State course(s) to your home institution, please check first that these credits are transferable to your school. There are no refunds past the allowable drop period, whether a course is transferable or not.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for summer/winter session courses are different than those in fall and spring. Credit Extension Tuition and Fees Schedule

Withdrawal Policy

In order to receive a 100% tuition refund, a course must be dropped BEFORE the scheduled start date. Once a course begins, no refund will be available.

Last updated: April 22, 2024 | 10:47 pm