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CT State Catalog

The CT State draft catalog provides all degree and certificate requirements, the general education core, and individual courses by discipline:

CT State Catalog

BOR Historical Documents

All aligned CT State degrees and certificates as approved by the BOR can be found on our website:

BOR Approved Degrees and Certificates

Course Outlines

All approved CT State course outlines can be found on OneDrive (please note, some information such as Gen Ed designations are being currently updated):

Approved Course Outlines

For those faculty interested in using a CT State syllabus, we are happy to share this sample course syllabus template.

Course Syllabus Template (PDF) Course Syllabus Template (MS Word)

Legacy to CT State Courses/Programs

A list of every unique legacy college degree and certificate by name has been matched to its CT State degree and certificate and can be found here Program Crosswalks:

Legacy Courses and Programs Matched to CT State Courses and Programs

Unique College Program Crosswalks

Finalized crosswalks from many campus-specific legacy degree and certificate programs to new CT State degree and certificate programs can be found here. Please note: these crosswalks are for advising guidance purposes only. They do not represent a formal agreement as to how classes will be applied for individual students.

Program Crosswalks by Campus

No CSCU Transfer Pathway student will be penalized by having to take any additional course(s) due to the transition to the new Framework30 (FW30) requirements. Below is Framework 30 guidance.

TAP Framework30 Guidance

ACME Placements

English, ESOL, Math Placement for 2024-2025

English, ESOL, Math Placement for 2024-2025

Course Substitutions

Below is both the CT State Course Substitution Processes the CT State Course Substitution Form for use with the CT State degree programs.

Students from a legacy academic program, who completed previously required program or general education courses that are no longer required in the aligned CT State program, should be granted substitutions to accommodate the previously required completed courses.

Thank you for your help in ensuring that we hold students as harmless as possible during this transition to CT State.

CT State Course Substitution Request Process

Course Substitution Form

Graduation Variance Procedure for Legacy Students


To hold harmless all students who complete legacy Connecticut community college degree or certificate requirements but, due to credit discrepancies solely created through the curriculum alignment process, are missing one or more credits to graduate from an equivalent CT State Community College (“CT State”) degree or certificate program.

CT State Graduation Varience Procedure Form


Prerequisite Guidance

The following prerequisite guidance should be used to ensure students are not harmed due to the alignment of courses and programs and that we have consistent and equitable advising and registration for Fall 2023.

Prerequisites for AY 23-24 CT State courses

Math Prerequisites and Selective Admissions Programs