Ready to visit one of CT State's campuses?
Find directions, parking information, public transportation information and building maps by choosing your campus from the list below.
Most CT State students* registered in credit courses have access to a free transportation pass to access any city bus or train in CT.
- Asnuntuck
- Capital
- Gateway
- Housatonic
- Manchester
- Middlesex
- Naugatuck Valley
- Northwestern
- Norwalk
- Quinebaug Valley
- Three Rivers
- Tunxis
Asnuntuck Campus
Capital Campus
Getting Around Campus
The entrance to Capital is located diagonally across the intersection of Market and Talcott Streets. Please use the pedestrian signal lights to cross this intersection.
Go through the revolving door and take the escalator two flights up to the Main Street level. Walk through the mall to Capital’s main lobby. From there, you can take the elevator to your destination.
If you're entering through the main lobby, go through the mall doors to the right of the reception desk. Proceed past the Global Gourmet Cafeteria, and take the escalator down one flight. The Lab School is directly ahead.
If you're entering through Market Street, only go up one flight on the escalator, and follow the signs.
Note: The Laboratory School and Early Childhood Center is located on the Talcott Street Level, one floor below the main lobby.
Parking Information
Parking is available in the Morgan Street Garage, located at 155 Morgan Street, directly behind the college (the building with green glass windows). Handicap access is available. Parking validation for guests and visitors is available at the College’s main lobby desk.
- Faculty and staff can apply for parking privileges at the Office of the Dean of Administration, Room 210.
- Students taking one or more credits are eligible for a free parking access card for the Morgan Street Garage. Directions for obtaining a parking pass
- In the event your parking access card does not work, pull a ticket and bring it with your parking access card to the College in the main lobby for validation.
- Please note that the Hartford Parking Authority cannot house motorcycles at the Morgan Street Garage.
Gateway Campus
Please Note: When coming to the Gateway campus (New Haven), you will park in either the Gateway Parking Garage or the Temple Street Garage. See parking information below for navigation instructions.
Building Maps
Parking Information
When visiting CT State Gateway, you will park in the Gateway Parking Garage or the Temple Street Garage, both of which are located on Crown Street. There are also entrances to the Temple Street Garage from George Street and from Frontage Road.
Students, faculty and staff may park for free in either garage by holding the barcode on their Gateway ID up to the reader at the garage's entrance. The same procedure is followed to exit the garage.
Until the readers are activated, students, faculty, and staff may park in the Gateway Garage by showing their Gateway ID to the attendant at the garage entrance. Anyone parking in the Temple Street Garage needs to take a parking ticket and bring it to a Gateway Security Desk (at the entrances) to have the ticket validated.
Visitors should use the Temple Street Garage. Parking tickets should be brought to the security desk where they can be validated.
On occasion, parking spaces can be arranged in the Gateway garage by previous arrangement.
If you need an escort to your car, a nearby bus stop or while waiting for your ride at the curb, please stop by any security desk (at the entrances). You may also call 203-285-2246 or extension 52246 to make arrangements for assistance.
Garage Hours
Gateway Parking Garage
Monday-Friday: 6 a.m.-11:30 p.m.
Saturday: 7 a.m.–5 p.m.
The garage is open on days when the college is open.
Temple Street Garage
Open 24/7 everyday
Entering the Building From Parking Garages
In the Gateway Parking Garage, there are elevators located in the southeast corner of each level of the parking garage which will allow you to enter the Gateway building. The entrance on the 4th floor of the garage provides access to the 3rd floor of the North Building and the Lower level of the garage provides access to the 1st floor of the North Building.
From the Temple Street Garage, follow the marked pedestrian exit routes and to enter the buildings from the corners of Church and George Street or Church and Crown Street.
Housatonic Campus
Getting Around Campus
All room numbers in Lafayette Hall are preceded by a letter (A, B, C or L) indicating the wing of the building. Floor locations are indicated by the numeral 1 for the first floor, 2 for the second, 3 for the third (in the new Lafayette extension) and 4 for the forth floor (Lafayette extension). For example, C276 is located on the second floor in the “C” wing.
Room numbers in Beacon Hall are indicated simply by a number. The first number of the room indicates the floor it is on. For example: 317 is located on the third floor.
Parking Information
Free parking is available for students in the parking garage while they are engaged in college-related activities. Enter the garage from Lafayette Boulevard, a parking hang tag is required in order to park in the garage. The Garage Security Office issues hang tags upon verification of registration, a valid auto registration and proof of insurance are required.
Park in the student area of the garage; other sections are reserved for faculty and staff members. The speed limit in the garage is 5 mph.
Handicapped parking is available on all floors in the garage. All handicapped parking areas are restricted to individuals with current Connecticut handicapped certificates.
Temporary Special Parking permits are available for short-term parking needs (resulting from an injury, surgery, etc.). Contact the Director of Public Safety, located in Lafayette Hall LH-A127.
CT State Housatonic assumes no responsibility for vehicles or the contents therein which are parked on college property. Parking is strictly at the owner's risk.
Building Maps
Manchester Campus
Building Maps
Public Transportation
The ’83’, ’85’ and CTfastrak (‘121’) buses from Hartford and Depot Square in Manchester serve the campus. There is one stop on campus on Founders Drive South, in front of the Arts, Sciences and Technology Center. For information on schedules, call CTtransit at 860-525-9181 or visit the online CTtransit schedules
Parking Information
The major parking lots at CT State Manchester (see campus map above) are open to students and members of the general public. Faculty and staff parking lots are designated as such, and employees parking there must have a Manchester parking sticker.
Spaces for those individuals holding a handicapped parking permit are located in many of Manchester’s lots and are open to anyone, no matter the lot designation. Numbered reserved spots are for use solely by those holding Manchester special numbered permits.
For additional information about parking at Manchester, contact campus police at 860-512-3680.
Middlesex Campus
Middletown Campus: 100 Training Hill Road, Middletown, CT 06457
Meriden Campus: 220 Coe Avenue, Meriden, CT, 06451
Advanced Manufacturing Center: 60 Daniels Street, Middletown, CT 06457
Parking Information
Visitors to the Middlesex Middletown campus may park in the upper or lower parking lots. The upper lot is more convenient if you're entering Wheaton or Snow Halls, and the lower lot is more convenient if you're entering Founders or Chapman Halls.
Naugatuck Valley Campus
Building Maps
Parking Information
Northwestern Campus
Building Maps
Public Transportation
The Northwestern CT Transit District serves CT State Northwestern with bus routes (1 and 1-B) that stop at the campus.
Norwalk Campus
Public Transportation
Norwalk WHEELS Bus
Buses 11, 12, and 13 stop directly in front of NCC. Any bus that traverses Route 1 stops at the corner of Richards and Connecticut Avenues – within a 1/4 mile of the Norwalk campus.
CT Transit – Stamford
The 41A – Stamford/Norwalk and 45X Connecticut Transit Bus routes serve CT State Norwalk.
For more information, visit the CT Transit website.
Quinebaug Valley Campus
Parking Information
- The Danielson campus has ample parking in several lots surrounding the building.
- Willimantic Parking is available on Main Street and the municipal parking lot behind the building.
Public Transportation
A public bus runs between Willimantic and the Danielson campus twice a day. This bus, which is being operated by the Windham Region Transit District (WRTD), arrives at Quinebaug Valley’s Danielson Campus (from Willimantic) at 8:30 a.m. and stops at the Danielson campus once again at 4:30 p.m., returning to Willimantic.
Three Rivers Campus
Building Maps
Tunxis Campus
Building Maps
Parking Information
Founders Hall – 100 Building
Park in the front lot, use the main entrance by the flagpole, proceed straight through the lobby and head immediately outside. Founders Hall is the first set of doors on the right.
Tunxis Room – 6-127/6-128 – 600 Building (West)
Park in the front lot close to Route 177. Use the Library/700 Building entrance (you will see the clock tower), proceed straight through the lobby, past Continuing Education Office and outside. Continue straight and enter the 600 Building in front of you. Tunxis Room is located straight ahead behind a large, central stairwell. 6-127/6-128 are to the right of the stairwell.
Room 201 – 200 Building
Park in the front lot, use the main entrance by the flagpole, proceed straight through the lobby and head immediately outside. Enter the second set of doors on your right, which is the 200 Building. Proceed past the ramp and vending machines, straight to 201.
Room 6-374 – 600 Building (East)
Pass through all the parking lots to the back of campus and park near the gray Bidstrup Hall building. Follow the sidewalk into the grass courtyard with the large 600 Building on your right. The 600 Building entrance will be the last door on the right. Walk straight in and take the elevator to the third floor. 6-374 is on your left. Please note that not all elevators in 600 reach the third floor.
Placement Testing – Academic Success and Tutoring Center – 600 Building (West)
Park in the front lot close to Route 177. Use the Library/700 Building entrance (you will see the clock tower), proceed straight through the lobby, past Continuing Education Office and outside. Continue straight and enter the 600 Building in front of you. The Academic Success and Tutoring Center is located on your left, past the elevators and across from the art gallery.
Parking Tickets
Parking is a problem on every college campus and Tunxis is no exception. Board of Trustees Policy governs traffic regulations. The campus may ticket or tow vehicles.
Tickets are issued for the following infractions:
Group 1 – $10 Penalty |
Improper Parking e.g. not between the lines |
Parking in a posted No Parking Zone |
Parking in State Vehicle/Designated Spaces |
Group 2 – $25 Penalty |
Parking in Handicapped Space (official permit must be visible) |
Parking in Fire Lane/Tow Zone |
Speeding/Reckless Driving |
Obstructing/Traffic Flow |
Parking in the circle near the flagpole |
Payment instructions: Make check or money order payable to TCC and return in the addressed envelope (do not mail cash payment), or pay in person at the Business Office in Founders Hall, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
All ticket revenue is allocated to the Tunxis Scholarship Program.
Unpaid tickets will result in a hold being placed on a student’s account. Fines double if not paid within 10 days of issuance. Disabled hang tag holders are reminded that DMV rules require hang tags to be displayed on rear-view mirrors. Failure to properly display your hang tag is a violation.
No parking spaces are designated specifically for faculty and staff.
All students should park on campus. During the first few weeks of the semester extra guards are in the parking lots to assist. See a guard if you cannot find a space or if you’re unsure your car is parked correctly. If you park at the Centennial Inn or Five Guys, your car will be towed.
Anyone who feels they have unfairly been issued a ticket may appeal it. Completed appeals forms may be mailed to the campus, attention: Parking Appeals Committee, emailed to or left in the box in the Faculty Secretaries’ area. The decision of the Appeals Committee is final.
*Please note that students with CT State Naugatuck Valley or Quinebaug Valley as their home campuses do not have access to UPASS.